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T-5 OTS on SX-900

Started by LaHawk, Feb 03, 2021, 02:06 PM

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After downloading styles made on a T-5, some of the OTS are "blank" on the SX-900.

Two questions:

1. Can I view the original T-5 OTS voices, so that I can select and save a similar voice on the SX-900 ?

2. Most T-5 styles sound great on the SX-900, but is there an easy way to "optimize" T-5 Styles for the SX-900 ?

Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


95% voices of T5 are included in PSR-SX900. But the blank voices are SuperArticulation2 Voices in OTS and StyleS.A.2 Voices in Style Tracks. These types of Voices are not included in PSR Series Keyboards. We have to replace to their related voices. For example. S.A.2!ClassicTrumpet can be replaced as S.A.!BrightTrumpet; S.A.2!Harmonica can be replaced as Sweet!Harmonica; etc.
Onacimus Sahayam
My Styles


Thank you. I figured they were SA2 voices, just wanted to be able to view those missing SA2 voices, so I could substitute something close on the SX-900

Example, the T-5 style maker decided a Trombone SA2 was a perfect  OTS voice for that style. If I knew that, I could substitute an appropriate Trombone on the SX-900. As it is, I have no way of knowing what he used as a OTS
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


You can use midiplayer to see which voices are used in the style-OTS.
Unfortunately this program is never updated for T5 or SX900
