I've discovered a new way to make music

Started by Henni, Feb 03, 2021, 03:31 AM

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Tx! That totally clears it for me.

...Fly Forever!


Quote from: DrakeM on Mar 11, 2021, 12:43 PM
It cost $669 for everything you need. It's posted on the site.
And with the old 2018 version you need 120 gig of free space on your hard drive for the real band tracks, it seems.

Are you sure you can use this with our keyboards?

I think this is a stand alone separate program. Right?

Its standalone BIAB, but perhaps you  can add a melody track for a song
(its not a realtime accompaniment)   


Quote from: janamdo on Mar 11, 2021, 03:44 PM
Its standalone BIAB, but perhaps you  can add a melody track for a song
(its not a realtime accompaniment)

My thoughts exactly. Create a nice track with i.e. one of the guitar solos and then use this track live as a multipad to super enhance your performance. You can even create most of the song in BIAB, leave out the sections which are superior on the Yamaha and then simply ad the rest of the song live to this BIAB multipad. This way BIAB can be a great asset to super enhance your live Yamaha performances.

Keep well all,

...Fly Forever!


What do I mean by solo real tracks - Imagine adding one track to your live performance where a outstanding artist does licks faithfully following whatever you play. BIAB has hundreds, maybe even thousands of these. My favorite BIAB guitar artist is Brent Mason, but there are a great many more like Matt Nelson, Andy Leftwich, Paul Franklin, Mark Douthit, Rob Ickes, Eddie Dunlap and many, many others on guitars alone.

Here are some samples from Brent Mason playing along with whatever you are currently playing - I'll demo a few of his standard Genre enhancements, straight out of the box:

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The above are just SOME of Brent Mason' guitar licks that comes with BIAB. I've listed only a fraction of the other guitar players above - EACH one of them has the same or more licks than shown here. And then we are done with only the guitars. What about the pianos, fiddles, harmonicas, saxes, trumpets, real human choirs and all of the other main musical instruments? Once we are done with THAT, we are done only with the SOLO sections of BIAB. For the guitars there are still the rhythm section which contain much, much more than demonstrated above. Percussion, drums - good Lord, just to make demos of these will more than likely keep me busy for the next year.

And here I'll add some more solo sections from other instruments as and when I feel motivated to record them:

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So now tell me again this is expensive - all of these were recorded live from the best artists currently available. Then all of these recordings were made to faithfully follow whatever you can think of playing - how much work was involved in THAT alone. I have NEVER before stumbled upon such powerful musical software. You can sit on your couch right there in your living room with your laptop on your lap and create the most stunning and realistic music out there. You can create the next hit song right there on the fly, just sitting & typing, not seeing anyone or even walking or driving anywhere. Without having any musical instrument whatsoever.

Why artists insist on having backtracks exactly similar to the original is above me. An MP3 player can do JUST that, you would just be in the way. Now you can improve on any song you wish to perform, creating your very own special version of it. The ONLY limitation being your imagination.

You want you play live? Create your own multipad or audio file to play along with. You can sound better than the best out there - no band around can compare or compete with what lies below your fingertips. All that is required is your imagination. How much could all of this be worth to a serious musician? The more I think of it, the more I understand why I'm blown away by this product. Hard to believe that something like this actually exists...


...Fly Forever!


@ Henni

I could imagine that some members would be interested in finished multipads.

Jeff Hollande

OH YESSSS ... a very good suggestion, I guess. 👍👍👍

I would be very grateful if Henni should be ready, have time and be in the mood to create BIAB solo ( etc.) multipads for all of us. 🙏😃

Jeff Hollande



Hi Wersianer,

Thank you so much for the suggestion - I'll give it some serious thought. I do not have any arranger for the moment so I'll have to find a workaround. Maybe I'll come up with something.

I really love creating anything to do with music. Before I was limited to styles only but now I can see things all the way through to the end product which is the song itself.

Jeff, maybe I can try to put something together & send to you for testing?

Keep well my friends,

...Fly Forever!

Jeff Hollande

A great idea, Henni ! Plse proceed.

Wished we could collect together an amount of money to offer you ( Henni ) a nice second hand Yamaha arranger keyboard.
Wishful thinking ?... I hope not. ✋

Jeff Hollande


Tx Jeff,

I'll get there soon. I am looking forward to creating these audio pads - it would be of great benefit to others plus I'll do what I love to do. After giving it some thought I realize that it is fully possible to create these with what I currently have. I will start with these over the weekend and then you can be my guinea pig in testing them & only after you are fully satisfied will I release them.

In the mean time you can maybe email me some good midi files of what you think is popular so that I can start working on these. The midi will determine the default tempo and where these audio pads should kick in. I do not need to use anything else from the midi apart from this. However, the better the midi the greater the inspiration...

Keep well my friend,

...Fly Forever!


I have been following this thread and trying to grasp why Henni is so excited about this system and here is what I am envisaging. A system where the 'style' is so good  that you only need to trigger a few chords, maybe even single finger chords, and it basically plays everything for you, solos and everything, sounding great.
Is that really what people want from a musical instrument? Would that really be 'playing'?
Suppose I design a karaoke machine where I could sing into it but what comes out is actually Andrea Bocelli's voice. I could see that being a fun, jokey thing for a short time, but surely it would never be thought of as 'singing'?



You don't play BIAB live - that would be nearly impossible. You do however create backtracks with it which you can then use for live performances.  If you think this is "gimmicky" I'll guess you'll have most solo performers breathing down your neck as most of them perform is this way and just ad a single instrument i.e. a guitar to this mix.

You should really Google more & see for yourself how many professional musicians are using this on a regular basis - I'll not bother to find these links for you, but I've read & watch many of them..

May I ask why you use an arranger as it boils down to the EXACT same thing you oppose so much - just about everything in life is plastic in the age we are living in and it becomes more so by each passing day.

Soon we'll have AI doing our warfare for us - imagine the best country being the one with the smartest AI... We live in a silly, silly world & there is not a thing we can do about it.

I rest my case.

...Fly Forever!


I think we are all very familiar with entertainers who use backing tracks, and I have no problem with that. But it might have been better if your thread had made it clear with a title like ' Here is a neat tool to help make backing tracks' or something similar. Especially given that this not the normal
focus of most people using this forum. I look back over this thread and don't see that being clearly said anywhere till now.


I have had a play with Band in A Box on a friends machine some time ago. It had an horrible interface, designed to run in dos by the look of  it, I think it's been improved since. The reason I never bought it , apart from the cost was it will only make backing tracks, nothing live so it is expensive for what it does. If you want a simple midi only backing track maker try Cordpulse. It's free for a simplified version and not a lot for the full program.

Jeff Hollande

Sorry Henni if I did not understand your message well.
Plse forgive me if I did not.

Is it your intention to make " midi " or  "  audio " multipads ?
Hope they are midi.

Thanks for your reply,  JH


Hi Jeff,

Audio multipads, Think these can be played by the S950 onwards.



...Fly Forever!


Quote from: mikf on Mar 12, 2021, 06:51 AM
Is that really what people want from a musical instrument? Would that really be 'playing'?
Suppose I design a karaoke machine where I could sing into it but what comes out is actually Andrea Bocelli's voice. I could see that being a fun, jokey thing for a short time, but surely it would never be thought of as 'singing'?

I think we are all very familiar with entertainers who use backing tracks, and I have no problem with that. But it might have been better if your thread had made it clear with a title like ' Here is a neat tool to help make backing tracks' or something similar. Especially given that this not the normal
focus of most people using this forum. I look back over this thread and don't see that being clearly said anywhere till now.


Please note that this thread resides under "Sequencers Sonar, Cakewalk, Cubase, etc"

Also, please read the title again. It does not say "Here's a new way to make music".  Instead it clearly states "I've discovered a new way to make music". This is absolutely true, even down to the letter. I've now posted 11 songs that I've personally created with BIAB. Would you not call that "Making music". Maybe I'm not as gifted as you are, but for me this really feels like I'm making music and I am rather satisfied with the end result. Hence the title which is not in the least misleading.

Said I would not do it, but here goes for all to see:



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And then of course the proof of the pudding is in the eating:

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And lastly, not bad for such a "gimmickey" way of "creating" music:

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...Fly Forever!

Jeff Hollande

Hi Henni  :

Apparently it looks like you are going to create 
" AUDIO " multipads, am I right ?

Personnaly I would prefer midi, if possible.
We simply have to change *. mid extension by *. pad.

Cheers, JH



For me personally anything that uses real audio instead of midi is in a niche of it's own. For me it started with the Audya although I'll be hooked for a very long time to Yamaha's incredible Mega guitars.

However, I see the future of arrangers lying in creating music by using audio snippets in the place of midi. BIAB handles both but focusses more on audio samples. I personally would from now on focus more on the audio development as I am keenly interested in it and everyday more amazed by the difference in end results. Whenever I own a Yamaha arranger again, which I WILL, I'll make extensive use of the audio multipads to enhance whatever else is being created by onboard Mega midi.

Keep well my kindest friend for many years now - it's so nice to sere you back in action over here.

...Fly Forever!


I installed a demo version of Realband
Finding my way in the program takes time

I am used to compose with a intro -section - ending ..like that
Si i must setup a some markers for this.


Sorry, can't help you as I've not played with Realband yet as BIAB can do EVERYTHING that I want.

I know for a fact that BIAB has no real intro or endings. It has shortened versions of those but I've not worked with those as yet - remember I am still a novice with this powerful program. Hopefully someone else can answer you, else you'll have to Google for some video tutorials for Realband. That's how I got started.


All the best,

...Fly Forever!


Yes, some youtube videos can help
I did add some markers and could generate a new realband section , so that's promising for composing further
This is also a good source for Realband : Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

best regards


Hi everyone,

All my BIAB creations here in one place for those interested - newest creations always at the top. When the list gets too long I'll start another one and move this one to just before the new one. That way I'll not clutter the main forum with my BIAB messages.

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...Fly Forever!


Hi Henni,
Is it possible to include the band in a box versions of you songs as well as mp3s . Then anyone with band in a box can load the songs into their program. Even better, zip them all every now and again for people to download.


thank you for the information and it is super vivid biab


Hi all,

Another one:

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...Fly Forever!


Hi all,

Another one:

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...Fly Forever!


Worth a listen:

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...Fly Forever!


Henni, have you had a look at the Akai MPC series? They are literally a daw in a box that can be used in a live situation.
I'm looking at getting the MPC One for now, after playing with a friends unit and incorporating it into my arranger playing. This one, The Live, Live 2 and the X are all standalone, no PC required.

One day I may look at the Akai MPC X See the many YouTube videos ;)



Tx, I will definitely look into it.


...Fly Forever!

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I have had a look at this and the You Tube video's
My conclusion is that it is overpriced for a start.
With the genos you can create your own wave files from anything that you want and use them as multi-Pads.
Even multipads can be for into's endings and breaks etc if you so wish..
The only thing that the Genos falls down on is that you cannot edit user styles for chord progressions, so this is where the Chord looper comes in.
What i do for a song is change instruments on the Genos styles and Intros and endings  I find it much easier to just play an Intro or ending and record it.
i agree that the Genos needs more rock orientated styles  as there is too many old fashioned bands and now rubbish EDM. (dumbed down electronic music) also singers today are squealing mewing cats the same as the snowflake men. Sheeran and company

Really speaking seriously , i do think That Band in the box is too automatic and think that if you concentrate , you can do it yourself
I do agree that the Genos could be better in the Electric Guitar department, but the Genos maybe pushing out the best it can with it's own limitaions. Better samples mean more gigabytes.

All the best
john :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

If nothing can become something and something will become nothing that means anything is possible.
(Mr God Particle)