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Style editor for .psr style files

Started by janamdo, Feb 01, 2021, 08:10 AM

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Like to see on my computer from my SX600 styles what sounds are assigned.
Is there such a styleeditor to get for windows 10 -64 bit ?


Hi janamdo,

There are several good editors, I single out MixMaster and MagicStyleYA.
Watch the video and you will get information on how you can editidng Style on your computer.

Watch my video channel


Hi ckobu,

Thanks again

I am interested in what sounds are used from my SX600 keyboard in the acmp ?



When the psr sx is properly connected to the computer, you hear all the sounds from the keyboard during processing.
Watch my video channel




Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 09:32 AM
When the psr sx is properly connected to the computer, you hear all the sounds from the keyboard during processing.
I do want to use styles also in a composer, but after import them into the composer there is not the right sound assigning
So i am must figure this out

XG works is a candidate ..where to get
Got the SW1000 XG soundcard (useless in Windows 10 64 bit ) and  XG works is included, but not with the update version
Like to have he updated version



I saw in the second topic the "composer" you mention. You should know that older programs do not have instrument lists for newer keyboard models, such as your SX600.
Recording a song in a computer program (Cubase, Cakewalk ...) can be done well, but prior knowledge is required. Watch this video. The MIDI settings of the Genos and SX600 are the same.

Watch the video, the installation and setup of XGWorks is described.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 10:41 AM
I saw in the second topic the "composer" you mention. You should know that older programs do not have instrument lists for newer keyboard models, such as your SX600.
Recording a song in a computer program (Cubase, Cakewalk ...) can be done well, but prior knowledge is required. Watch this video. The MIDI settings of the Genos and SX600 are the same.


Importing a Style .psr in Cubase goes very well and with the right sounds assigned from Halion Sonic
The same doesn't happen when i import a style in the composer and the sound assigning does not yet work for Halion Sonic there in the composer

The composer can work with different soundracks(module) , and some are made.
So i think i remove all soundracks and start with a HaLion 6 rack and/or Halion sonic rack

The XG works editor can be helpful too..were to get this program ?



Hi Jan,

You can only enter a style in Cubas if you change the extension to MID. In this case, you lose all CASM data and Style will no longer work on the keyboard. Have you tried it?
The XGWorks download link is in the description of my video.
You continue as you wish but I think you will return to the methods I recommended.

regards, ckobu
Watch my video channel



I don't want to do editing a style in Cubase for now.

The style must be opened in the composer program with .sty format with the right sounds belonging to that style

The styles from SX600 can be used in the composerprogram as "phrases" ( it is then imported into the composer where it is converted into to this phrase format with help of musical ai ) 



Hi Jan,

make sure that the parameter "Voice Number" is set to "Show" on the SX600 in Menu > Utility > Config2. The Voice Selection display then shows the "Voice Number" (also called "Voice Address") next to each Voice.

"#MSB-LSB-PRG" means Bank Select MSB, Bank Select LSB and Yamaha Program Number. Please note that PRG is counted from 1 ... 128. To get the MIDI Program Change number (counted from 0 ... 127), you have to subtract the number 1 from the specified PRG value.

You can easily see the Voices used in the individual Parts of a Style in the SX600's Mixer display:

Load the desired Style, then call up the Mixer display and go to the "Style" tab. If you now select the Voice icon of a certain Part, the Voice Selection display is called up and you should see the name of the Voice used and the Voice number.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris

A handy feature this option
I did perform your instructions and i can see that the acmp sound for a particular style is not a GM sound : example Solid Guitar2 is a   Mega Voice- #008-002-004
I could use the soundmodule of SX600 or a replacement sound.
But it sounds the best with the original sounds i think ( disadvantage that it must be stand by all the time )

That's why the composer can't recognise this style sound as a GM sound, but when i should loading this in Cubase, the sounds are converted to GM sounds with Halion Sonic ? 



Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 11:22 AM

You can only enter a style in Cubas if you change the extension to MID. In this case, you lose all CASM data and Style will no longer work on the keyboard. Have you tried it?

No problem, because i using a style copy and changing the extension to midi  idid not have tried
I tried to export the .psr style to midi in Cubase , but got still wrong soundassignments in the composer

I don't know how they do it in Cubase when a .psr style is imported, but it seems that cubase can made a replacemnt by the original style voices to Halion sonic replaxcement sounds. ( of course by programming)

This sound conversion programming is not to find in the composerprogram



Quote from: janamdo on Feb 01, 2021, 01:00 PM
Hi Chris

A handy feature this option
I did perform your instructions and i can see that the acmp sound for a particular style is not a GM sound : example Solid Guitar2 is a   Mega Voice- #008-002-004
I could use the soundmodule of SX600 or a replacement sound.
But it sounds the best with the original sounds i think ( disadvantage that it must be stand by all the time )

That's why the composer can't recognise this style sound as a GM sound, but when i should loading this in Cubase, the sounds are converted to GM sounds with Halion Sonic ?  ...

Hi Jan,

you CANNOT simply replace a Mega Voice in a Style Part by a "non Mega Voice":

Mega Voices are special Voices that have several articulations or special (noise) effects which are called up depending on the programmed Velocity of the individual Note events in a Style. Please refer to the "Mega Voice List" in the SX600 Data List, pages 9 and 10.

You would have to edit the programmed note events of the respective Style channels that are assigned to a certain Style Part, e.g. deleting the so-called "effect notes" (e.g. strum noise, fret noise etc., above C6) in order to use a "normal" Voice in a Style Part programmed for a specific Mega Voice.

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Jan,

it seems to me that you have completely strayed from the main title of the topic
Style editor for .psr style files

If you want to edit Style, you won't easily make it with Cubase. I said why, CASM is being destroyed.
I see that you are worried about the voices, entering all the instruments is very simple.

That's why there's no need to use Halion sonic because you don't need it at all to process the Style.
Finally, I'm not entirely sure what you actually want to achieve with your SX600?
Watch my video channel


Hi Chris

To get the  most out of the style quality in the composer is to use the original style sounds from  SX600
But it means that the composer is connected with the soundmodule of SX600

In the composer sound rack can be stored 16 midi channels, so it's for two styles ( 8 sounds/style )
Its a rather small display on the SX600 and not easy to read the voice data there
Probably handier is to use a computer program to open style and do all editing behind the desk

best regards


Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 02:34 PM
Hi Jan,

it seems to me that you have completely strayed from the main title of the topic
Style editor for .psr style files

If you want to edit Style, you won't easily make it with Cubase. I said why, CASM is being destroyed.
I see that you are worried about the voices, entering all the instruments is very simple.

That's why there's no need to use Halion sonic because you don't need it at all to process the Style.
Finally, I'm not entirely sure what you actually want to achieve with your SX600?

Hi ckobu

The idea is to use styles in a composer program with the right voices assigned.
A style editor is only used by me to see what sounds are assigned in a style

Don't know what more functionality a style editor has to offer, but once loaded a style in the composer there is not much i think i can further do with a styleditor.

I connect a style from SX600 with the SX600 soundmodule in the composer program that's i want to achieve
But that process goes slowly and it is as it is.
A soundrack in the composer has 16 midi channels,so i can use two styles/rack

One interesting style can do a lot in the composer as base for a song
Goal is to make a composer library of styles from SX600 connected with SX600   




Hi Jan,

i think we have said enough about the "composer". Even if you want to use it, I can't help you more than I am.

regards, ckobu
Watch my video channel


Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 03:06 PM
Hi Jan,

i think we have said enough about the "composer". Even if you want to use it, I can't help you more than I am.

regards, ckobu

Hi ckobu

Hopefully its clear now what i do want with a style from SX600 in another program.
Perhaps its also interesting to do some stylediting  if a style is used by me in this other program to get a variation.

Could be that the next new coming sx700/900 is more interesting to do style editing then in SX600
Can i buy this keyboard in the future
But sitting behind the keyboard and do much style editing is not convienant, but i have to look closer to this styleconstructor in SX600.

A software style editor is easier, so thanks for making this video it explains more

best regards



Got the idea that there are also banknumbers and patchnumbers (program numbers)
So for my device desription for a soundrack i  can give a banknumber too

Maybe is to find this banknumbers in the datalist of SX600 ?

Note: the midi specifications of SX600 are the same as for the Genos keyboard (SX700/900 too?)
So maybe here on forum, has someone also used his keyboard for use as a external soundmodule.




Hi Jan,

we are talking all the time about "Bank Numbers" here:

Each Voice Number consists of the values MSB , LSB and PRG (that are given for each Preset Voice in the Data List of the relevant model).

MSB is the abbreviation for "Most Significant Byte" and actually means "Bank Select MSB" here. (This is the same as "Control Change 0" or "CC 0" or "Ctrl 0" or "Controller 0".)

LSB is the abbreviation for "Least Significant Byte" and actually means "Bank Select LSB" here. (This is the same as "Control Change 32" or "CC 32" or "Ctrl 32" or "Controller 32".)

PRG is the Yamaha Program Number, counted 1 ... 128. The MIDI Program Change number (counted 0 ... 127) is calculated "PRG - 1".

To call up a certain Voice of the keyboard using an external MIDI controller (or computer) you have to send the MSB, LSB and PRG (either all three on the same time position, or (better) one after the other, i.e. at a distance of a few "ticks" between the individual events).

Most devices nowadays support the "MSB/LSB" method for Voice Bank selection. If you (in connection with a certain MIDI device or computer program) need "Bank Numbers" that consist of only one value, please read the following:

A "Bank Number" is defined by the formula "Bank Number = ( 128 * MSB ) + LSB" with the Bank Select values MSB and LSB of the Voice List of the keyboard manuals (Data List).

MSB=0, LSB=112:  Bank Number = 128*0 + 112 = 112
MSB=8, LSB=0:      Bank Number = 128*8 + 0 = 1024
MSB=127, LSB=0:  Bank Number = 128*127 + 0 = 16256

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris


Now i know how to get access to banks and programs !
How are the voices in SX600 structured?

The datalist gives for the voices :  ms/lsb /patchnr (voicenumber)
Tried to make setup for the Piano & E.piano wit the first 3 sounds loaded in a soundrack and with the voicenumbers

Can imagine that there is more then one soundbank in SX600 ..i must find  banknumbers in the datalist

It seems that with the programnumber in the datalist as i read your post that it points to a bank
So SX600 supports as you described MSB/LSB method
Methode of (sound) selection) has some menuentries :
- Program only
- MSB(CC0)
- LSB (CC32
- Program(MSB) +Program
- Plug- in preset(program

I used : MSB + LSB and program numbers are ranging from 1..128 ( starting not from 0)
Maybe i must for SX600 then something different as method of (sound) Selection ?
Its only loading a style and adding the sounds to it manual
There is no way i think of loading a style and getting automatically the right sounds are assigened ( would be fantastic)   

best regards



My software program "Style Revoicer" at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login will read MSB LSB and Program numners in style files.
Furthermore you can change these 3 voice values and some other parameters in the program.
The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


Well it seems to be not possible to add 16 (midichannels) SX600 sounds in a external midi output rack
Can't select different midichannels in the rack and hear the assigned sounds.

There is only  one sound to choose in the composer rack.

Probably the midi specification from SX600 does not fit with that from composer then.
The composer rack is not sending midi notes to all 16 midi channels with assigned SX600 sounds

So i must give up this setup and the only thing that i can do is asking about this to the developer of the composer   



Quote from: Jørgen on Feb 02, 2021, 02:50 PM

My software program "Style Revoicer" at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login will read MSB LSB and Program numners in style files.
Furthermore you can change these 3 voice values and some other parameters in the program.
Could be interesting to use your program and know directly the used sounds

Problem i faced that i not can assign those stylesounds correct in my composerprogram to keyboard SX600
for listening
Best regards



Searching further how to get the right setup
QuoteSynfire(composer) definately supports multiple channels when driving a midi device.

Its keyboard -digital 1 driver in external midi output rack  with the right template on SX600.


Quote from: Jørgen on Feb 02, 2021, 02:50 PM

My software program "Style Revoicer" at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login will read MSB LSB and Program numners in style files.

I opened a style in Style revoicer and do see 16 channels and styles are programmed on channel 9 to 16 and also on channel 2.. 7 
Can't this easy relate to the converted midi from a style on the keyboard via quick recording.

This converted style into a midi is loaded into a composer 
The composer gives also no information( msb/lsb/programnumber from the converted midi in the importscreen

Should be handier if can see what sounds are assigned(msb/lsb/programnumber) after i converted the style via quickrecording to a mid style on the SX600
Or using another program to view the content of a style, but easier perhaps by using the converted midi? 



The mixmaster could be a  useful program maybe , but it supports not yet the SX600/700/900 keyboards
Gives a voice name[ msb lsb pc] , but not a handy display with one row of numbers
The channel view ..
By selecting the keyboardmodel you get the keyboard connected? 



Also first quick recording on SX600 from style is not handy too
Better is to load the whole style as .sty  in composerprogram, then the whole style is visable, like in Cubase with styles sections.


Quote from: ckobu on Feb 01, 2021, 10:41 AM
Recording a song in a computer program (Cubase, Cakewalk ...) can be done well, but prior knowledge is required. Watch this video. The MIDI settings of the Genos and SX600 are the same.

Hi ckobu
That's fantastic to see the styles are recordable in  DAW
But its a rather complex setup, but once understood i t could be a composingtool
Before i can do this setup in Cubase ?

Seems that sx600 is also capable to do this recording as you mentioned.

For a composerprogram i use only the style itself as buildingblocks

