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How to save system DSP to style

Started by paliosso, Jan 18, 2021, 07:13 PM

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If i change any parameters in System DSP (overrdrive for ex., 3 Tracks guitars) in some factory style and i save it to this style (to the user memory), after loading this style from user style menu, System DSP parameters are in factory preset. I tried save changes to User Effects as new preset and save to style, but still in factory preset after load this style.
I tested unlock styles too with PC soft.

I have SX700 and this isn't all styles problem. Some styles saved DSP changes without problem.

Solution is save this as registration memory. Then style load saved DSP changes, but i must click 2 times on reg.button. First time is style load with factory settings, second time with saved settings.

Is there way to save 100% any changes directly to this style (without.reg.memory) ?


I solved the problem.

In style creator is saved my value of DSP effect to the style correctly but this value is changing after i select other section (Main A, B, etc...)
I found SYSEX format of this value in Manual Data List and verified it by Pocket MIDI software to get this SYSEX from keyboard to software.
Next i opened  my style in MidiWorks software.
Correctly set value was in master (start) section, but in other sections (Main A, B...etc..) was other (unchanged) value. I just deleted these SYSEX messages and DSP value is the same in all of sections.