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back up registration banks to usb sticks

Started by jpg, Jan 25, 2021, 07:12 AM

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I have 34 registration banks w/10 songs in each.  Genos manuals are not clear enough for me to understand. Question is (1) is it possible to backup all banks at once or (2 ) one bank at a time, or, (3) will I have to do one song at a time. This is 1st attempt at saving to USB .  Any help will really be appreciated.  Would hate to lose all my registrations.


It is possible to make a copy of all Banks at once.
Access Banks and open the File icon. Select Copy> Select All> Copy. Then open the USB stick and select Copy Here.

Watch the video that describes the process of creating a Backup for the entire keyboard. Include English subtitles.
Watch my video channel


Thanks a million.  Really appreciate it.


Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad the video helped you.
In addition to this kind of partial backup, it is good to have a complete backup of the entire keyboard.
You can see instructions on this in this video.

regards, ckobu
Watch my video channel


Oh yes, backup regularly! As I said to one young student last night, "You back up your homework?" [Nodding head over Zoom!] "Then back up your registrations, plus any user styles, sounds, multipads and songs." Copy to a named and dated folder USB stick [like Backup 270121] and, if you like, copy the contents of the stick to your computer as an extra level of backup.

Reminder to self, backups due later today, keyboard, organ and computer (all backed up to external drive, disconnected when not in use!)
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


Thanks to every one for having opened my eyes.  I'm doing total backup today. 