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Style Creator Tutorial 3

Started by pedro_pedroc, Jan 22, 2021, 01:20 PM

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Hi, everyone.

After a lot of requests from Brazilian friends to record a new tutorial in Portuguese, I recorded a new tutorial, the third one, but the first in portuguese, of how to create new styles with Style Creator, only using your keyboard.

Of course, I put the English Subtitles to help everyone...

In this third tutorial, I show the steps I did to create the style for Everybody (DJ Bobo).

Take a look at the tutorial at:

Remember to turn on the english subtitles.
Comments are always welcome.

Regards from Brazil,
Pedro Eleuterio
Pedro Eleutério
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Rick D.


This is my favorite one!

I learned more with this one than the ones in English.  ;D


Rick D.