Looking for a Sytle - Diana by Paul Anka

Started by dlepera, Jan 19, 2021, 11:09 PM

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Looking for a style for Diana by Paul Anka. If any one has one and would not  mind sharing it, I would be very grateful.   
Regards.   dom
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Roger Brenizer

I have a lot of styles for this song, but I'm only attaching one, which is a song specific style for this Paul Anka song, Dom.  :)

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Roger, you never cease to surprise me with your collection.  BTW just tested it out and played along with the real song and out of the versions I have, this is the one that plays the best!  Do you have The Little Darling by the Diamonds. I like those styles  Thank you so much.
   All the best!  dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!

Roger Brenizer

I've attached a style for "The Little Darling" by the Diamonds for you, Dom.  :)

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Many Thanks again Roger.       Regards!    dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hello Dom!

I would use 60sVintagePop or 60sVintageRumba!

Good luck!
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Colin D

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Roger, a question for you.  You created the style(Little Darling)  in the the key of F. A little music lesson for me if I may please, seeing I play by ear, the original song starts on C#.  So when I play the style with me starting on C#, my ears says something is not in tune. I knock out the Phrase2(choir and sounds closer but still something is off.. I don't know anything about style creator at this point as I am enjoying the styles in Pack #12 &14 along with some extras they you great folks have provided. So, is there a way for me to retune this style or another question perhaps would be, is there a style that I can start in any key?  If I play in F this style is really good, but sometimes I am particular and like to start in the original artist key.

Enildo, thanks for your suggested, I have those styles and tried them.. The only thing I did not care for in particular for this song is the intro.  60svintagePop intro is not suitable, the 60svintageRumba is much better but the intro sax is off on a couple notes.  So playing by ear for many ears can be a problem as this makes me a fussy player and does not set the mode right if notes are off right from the start, if you know what I me... Maybe it's just me.  Sorry  Hence why I asked the question and Roger's intro so far is the closest to the original song into.
    Regards,     dom   
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!

Roger Brenizer

I didn't create this style, Dom.  It's just a file I had in my archives.  I wasn't aware you weren't able to use this style and play in the key of your choice.
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I have just tried this style and it dose work in any key. As we all know styles are written in the key of C Mag usually so that they will work on any key you chose to play them in. This is not a particularly good style but works as it should.
  Try this one

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Hello Eileen.  I am after Little Darlin, Diana is fine.  As mentioned Rogers file is the closets to the original including the Intro. If you take that style and start on C# you will hear what I think I am hearing, it is kind of off.  I play in F and it's fine.   I guess I am just being fussy or maybe my ear is starting to fail me in my older age.  Can you try it and let me know if it's just me.  Play in both F and C#(original key).   Thanks.
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The style I have posted works as it should if playing C# cord or as Many know it Db.
  What problem do you have. I also play a lot of songs in the key of F.


Hi Dom,

since you have problems with the keys of Styles: Maybe you have transposed your keyboard. To be on the safe side, please make sure that all Transpose values (Master, Keyboard and Song) are set to zero.

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What you are saying is just not possible. Styles are not in a 'key' they respond to whatever chords you play. The chords you play are dictated by the song you play and the key you choose to play it in. And since they are digital files how they respond is always the same ie they cannot sound different when you play chord of C# major from how they sound if you play F major - other than the pitch. 
It is true that in style creator the styles are originally created using only the chord of Cmaj, but that is not to say that the style is in a 'key'. When played the style is key agnostic, it is you who decides on the key.
If you hear a 'wrong' sound then you are probably either not playing the chord properly, or you are playing the wrong chord.
Another puzzle is when you say the song begins with the chord of C#. Do you mean you are playing in the key of C# or are you playing in another key but the first chord is C#??
Although you say you play by ear, you still need to get a grasp of basic music structure - keys, chord progressions etc.



Additional point, Little Darlin' is a very simple song with a basic 1;2;4;5 chord progression. So if you think C# is the first chord you have to be in the key of C#. Most people would call that Db rather than C#, and the opening progression in Db is Db; Bbmin ; Eb min : Ab7. Maybe the Diamonds recorded in this key, but you don't have to. Why you would choose to play in that key I have no idea - the original is written in Bb, but most keyboard players - especially beginners - would choose the key of the sheet music  or C, F or G. 
However, as long as you you play it properly as I said in the last post, it would make no difference to the style which key you play it in. So I am absolutely confident that the problem is not with the style, but what you are playing.


H Mike.. Here is the way I play it... Please don't laugh,  My ear says this after the intro.  Start on C#/Db   with F#/Gb chord, following chords Ebm, B Db.   When played along with the song it seems harmonize, at least for me.  While I am playing the PHASE2(choir) I think is what is throwing me off. Once I turn it off, it harmonizes much better. then again if I start off the key of C with F chord everything to me is good.  When I turn the style off completely and start with C# and F#/Gb chords that to me it all sound right. Please give me your comments and I do not get insulted in any way when I am learning.   Thank you for taking the time to explain in your previous response.

Chris, thanks for that tip on Transpose, all three settings are already set to zero.
  Regards ..  dom   
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


When you say "start on Db", do you mean the melody starts on Db? Normally people don't talk about the melody notes, only the chords because the melody is obvious.
My guess is you are playing this in F#, but I prefer to call it Gb.  The initial correct chord progression would then be  —  Gb : Ebmin: Abmin : Db. In F# this is F#: D#min: G# min : C#.
(Whether you call it a sharp key or a flat key is your choice, but one thing you should never do is mix the two ie you don't say D# : Eb min: etc)
But it's better to get this into an easier key for you. Let's say F , then the chords are F: Dmin: G min : C7. Actually F6 is a slightly better first chord, but at your stage of learning ignore that.
There is nothing wrong with playing by ear, I do it also. Most people playing by ear get the melody right, but chords are harder. The bad news is that most learners just don't have a good enough ear or enough musical know how to find the right chords. So they blunder along playing chords that don't sound right. Or even worse, - playing chords that really don't sound right, but thinking they do!
Why not ask for a lead sheet for this song and learn to play chords from lead sheets. You can read the melody line or play it by ear. I don't have one to post.
The experience of playing the right chords will improve your ear and help you overall.



Mike, this is the best advice that I have ever heard in all my years playing by ear.  I utubed Lead Sheets and they are very interesting from what I am seeing and reading.  I appreciate your advice and feedback.  Now I have something to work with and going to spend some time tuning my ears.  I think I can put this one to rest now.  Thank you and everyone else for all your  time and my introductory music lesson.  Appreciated.    Regards!   dom
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