How to Play Random Songs From All Folders - Tyros 2

Started by graype, Feb 06, 2021, 03:24 PM

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I have just bought a used Tyros 2 and it has a lot of MIDI songs kindly left on it by the previous owner.

I am trying to discover how to play these randomly from ALL the folders on the HD1 drive where they are stored (rather than only from the folder which contains the first song I have selected in order to start playback). At the moment I keep having to go back and select a new folder whenever it reaches the end of the current folder and stops playing.

I have followed the Instruction Manual in selecting "Random" songs and "All" folders on the Function/Song Settings window - but it is still only playing the current folder which seems mysterious!

Can you please help me?


All the songs you want to play have to be in the same folder for this to work as you want it to.