Yamaha Expansion Manager

Started by johnnychipito, Jan 05, 2021, 01:11 PM

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I now found some time, to load the free expansion packs, we got from Yamaha, into my YEM, but without succes. I thought to resolve the problem, by updating my YEM, to the latest version (V2.7.0), but this action didn't help, to resolve the issue.

When I try to add the packs i can't do this because, at "My Packs" and when I click at the "+", I can click on import Pack, but the button is grey and nothing happens. Can anyone tell me, what I'm doing wrong? In the past this was working.

Thank you all for your help in advance,


Rick D.

Did you enter in your instrument data first?
Make sure you unzip them first and then you can just drag them into the window. check out this video.


Rick D.


Dear Rick,

I first want to thank you for your reaction. My instrument data is already loaded (T5), but I can't import a pack anymore. The button to do that is grey and not black. If the button is colored black, you can click on it. Please see my attachment, maybe this will make it more clear.

Thanks for your help in advance,


[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi John,

something may have gone wrong when you installed YEM 2.7.0.

To be on the safe side, I recommend first uninstalling the YEM properly again (via "Apps and Features" in the Windows settings). (The Packs already installed are retained!)

Then please re-install the YEM version 2.7.0. Normally everything should then work as expected.

As mentioned by Rick, you can simply drag & drop Packs from a Windows Explorer window into the YEM's "My Packs" window to import.

If the functions "Create Pack" and "Import Pack" in the menu behind the "+" button of "My Packs" are grayed out, a Pack import will probably not work even via drag & drop. In any case, please make sure that there is still enough free space on drive C:.

If the problem persists, please come back here!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Rick D.


Is it possible you have exceeded the limit of your memory?

Rick D.



I agree with Rick.  it appears that you have too many packs in the expansion manager.   I may be wrong but behind the greyed out dropdown menu there is a dark line that may indicate just that.

My two pennies worth


PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Dear Chris/Rick/Ron,

Thank you all for your replies. I reinstalled YEM 2.7, but the problem keeps going on. I don't have the possiblity to add a pack.

Rick: I don't have a memory issue, about 100GB left at the C:drive.

Ron: That dark line is a part of a pack in the background.

Any other help is more than welcome.



Quote from: johnnychipito on Jan 07, 2021, 01:27 PM
Dear Chris/Rick/Ron,

Thank you all for your replies. I reinstalled YEM 2.7, but the problem keeps going on. I don't have the possiblity to add a pack.

Rick: I don't have a memory issue, about 100GB left at the C:drive. ...

Any other help is more than welcome. ...

Hi John,

I recommend to do the following now:

• Close the YEM program.

• Press [Windows key] + R to open the "Run" window.

• Enter %LocalAppData%\Yamaha\ into the "Run" window (or copy it from here) and press the Enter key.
(This will automatically open the folder "C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Yamaha\".)

Delete the complete folder "Expansion Manager" (inside the folder "Yamaha"), or just rename that folder to e.g. "Expansion Manager OLD".

• Restart the YEM. (A new, empty YEM User folder "Expansion Manager" will be created automatically.)

• Re-import your Instrument Info file (.n27) as Install Target.

• Re-import all desired Packs (.ppf/.cpf) into YEM. (Now you should be able to do this.)

Good luck!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


What size memory do you have fitted in your keyboard 1/2, 1 Gb or 2 Gb. Has the memory line at the top of the YEM gone into the Red which would mean you have not got enough memory in your keyboard to take the packs.


Hi John

It is very difficult to determine what is going on, especially since you are obviously at the "My Packs" stage not in the Tyros 5 section.

If I were you I would save a couple of the packs you have installed (Export)  then see if you can load in any more, even the one you have just deleted.

I have a MAC computer and cannot even get YEM to load. 




Hi Chris,

The steps you told me helped me, to load the packs, again. Thank you very much for your help.

Than I started to load, the rest that I build up in all the years and now I have the same problem again.

Eileen is telling that a shortage of memory could be the problem, but this shouldn't be the problem for the YEM, I assume? I know it can be a problem for the storage in the T5. I only have 1GB extra memory in my T5. If you start loading, you can go to 1GB and than you are done. At that point, if you want to use another pack, you have to delete another pack from your memory of the T5, to get some free space.

Any other suggestions?

Have a great weekend,



Hi John,

in principle, you can import up to 128 Packs into the YEM. The size of the individual Packs is irrelevant as long as there is enough free space in drive C: (the System drive of Windows), because the User folder of the YEM is stored there.

Only when you click on your Install Target (Tyros5 in your case), the currently used and the maximum Wave memory space available on the keyboard will be displayed in the YEM (e.g. "0 / 1023 MB", if no Pack is selected and 1 GB of Expansion Memory is installed in the Tyros5).

Of course, it must be ensured here that the storage space required for the selected Packs is below the maximum available value. However, all of this has nothing to do with the fact that no new packs can be imported under "My Packs" ...

I suspect that this error is caused by importing a certain (faulty) Pack. Please first open the YEM log file according to the instructions below. This may help you determine which Pack is the "culprit".

The "Expansion Manager.log" file (a simple text file) is located in the YEM User folder. To open this folder (on Windows), open the "Run" dialog (press [Windows key] + R). There you enter the following (or copy it from here) and press the [Enter] key:

%LocalAppData%\Yamaha\Expansion Manager

.ppf Packs that were created with very old YEM versions can cause problems when imported into current YEM versions. Maybe this is the problem in your case.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hello John,
  I must apologise if I misled you about Memory as I was referring to keyboard only and Not YEM. I have 98 packs installed on my YEM with no problem. They also contain some old PPF files and a file of voices I created myself. In your case it would seem that the computer has a problem with storage space or some packs may have been corrupted. Sorry I can't be of further help.



I was wondering when you load the packs it deletes the old ones
When I bought the tyros 5 the shop loaded the two free packs
They gave me a usb with the packs on it what I am trying to understand
They are in the hd1 does that mean they get deleted when I try to load the
New pack or do I need to put the 3 into yem then save to usb then load them
Into keyboard at the same time I hope you understand what I am getting at.     Thanks jim


Good day Jim,

On my tyros 5 I always forget about pack installation. Old age setting in, I guess. LOL

I put the usb stick into the board but fail to go to MENU>PACK INSTALLATION. If you can remember to do this step that I seem to forget, you will be successful. While you are in this pack install mode search on the usb   and you should see "Tyros 5 Pac install". The date should also be there, but don't worry about that if it isn't. Choose it and the install option at the bottom of your screen will light up. Choose that and the process will begin.
Warning:   this will take about 20 minutes or so to complete, so be patient.

The keyboard actually reformats all your existing packs and then reinstalls them along with to new one,

This takes time.. When its over you will be instructed to restart your tyros, just do that and then look in the expansion file that's on the Hard Drive. You should see your new pack there as well as the older ones.

Hope this helps.

I am taking for granted that you can successfully get the new pack from YEM to a USB stick. That is a VERY important step as well

All the best


Ron J
PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Sorry Jim,

I meant to type FUNCTION>PACK INSTALLATION  instead of Menu> installation.

Please pardon me. My mistake.


PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Hi Ron

Thanks very much everything I wanted to know is
What you said I will try it tomorrow hope you have a
Good new year  if possible.       Jim


Hi Ron

Thanks very much everything I wanted to know is
What you said I will try it tomorrow hope you have a
Good new year  if possible.       Jim


Quote from: ibrox2 on Jan 10, 2021, 08:46 AM
... I was wondering when you load the packs it deletes the old ones
When I bought the tyros 5 the shop loaded the two free packs
They gave me a usb with the packs on it what I am trying to understand
They are in the hd1 does that mean they get deleted when I try to load the
New pack or do I need to put the 3 into yem then save to usb then load them
Into keyboard at the same time I hope you understand what I am getting at.     Thanks jim

Hi Jim,

ALL the Packs you want to have on the Tyros5 must be in the YEM and also be SELECTED there  (so that each Pack has a light-green checkmark).

Then click on "Save as Pack Install File" button and save your new Pack Install file (.ppi) onto a connected USB stick. (If at least one protected .cpf Pack is involved, the file type of the Pack Installation file automatically changes to .cpi.)

Now connect the USB stick to the Tyros5 an start the Pack Installation. The Expansion memory will automatically formatted first (and all previous Expansion content deleted). Then your new content will be installed.

P. S.
Alternatively you can install Expanion content via WiFi: Use the Yamaha USB WiFi adapter (UD-WL01) to connect the Tyros5 to your local WiFi network (in "Infrastructure Mode"). Now YEM should can recognize the T5 (click "Search instrument" in the "Install Target" section).

Instead of clicking "Save as Pack Install File", just click "Send to Instrument" button in this case. The big advantage of this method is you can ADD new Expansion content to the Tyros5 without formatting the Expansion memory (in most cases).

For the sake of completeness: Tyros5 does not support the "Pack Quick Install" method via USB stick (which is available on Genos and PSR-SX models). So the mentioned "WiFi method" is the only way to avoid formatting the Expansion memory each time you install new content.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris

Thanks very much spending the time explaining this
Between you and Ron I am  confident going ahead
With it.      Jim


Hi Chris

Thanks very much spending the time explaining this
Between you and Ron I am  confident going ahead
With it.      Jim

Joe H

For what it's worth. When I was working with Vali on his YEM Content Explorer, I discovered that if I had edited a pack in YEM it corrupted YEM.  The fix was to Export the edited pack then delete the pack from YEM and Import it again. 

It's possible that if we alter any pack in YEM we should save them (Export). Then the best thing to do is delete all packs and load them back in YEM again.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html


Dear Chris,

Thank you for all your info. I will start from scratch and will only load the "latest" packs, to avoid, corrupted ones, come in and stops me to add other packs.

Enjoy the rest of your day,



Dear Eileen,

No need to apologize. I appreciate that people try to help me, that's the most important.

Enjoy the rest of your day,
