Where did this lovely style come from?

Started by YammyFan, Jan 06, 2021, 06:46 PM

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There are thousands of styles freely available on this form. Sometimes I come across  a Style which I think is fabulous and I would love to know who made it so that I can congratulate them. One of my favourite styles which I use for several  different songs I play is called "Ambient Christmas T 156 Sty"  Does any member know where I got it from?

Bruce Breen

That is a style that Onacimus adjusted for your keyboard ( and others) from a Genos keyboard style.
He uses the name PSR-USR-IND on this website - here is a link to his profile (on this website).
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You can find all of his contributed styles by clicking on Styles on the profile page...
He does a wonderful job with all of them!

Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Thank you Bruce for your help. I went to Onacimus 'conversions and found it under Movie and Show . It is a fps File  and works well on my PSR 970, I have never heard of a fps file and am now curious  to know more about fps files.


This Style comes from Yamaha and is on Genos and the new CVP pianos.