Hello and Happy New Year from Markham Ontario Canada

Started by dlepera, Jan 04, 2021, 02:22 PM

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Hello Everyone, I am Domenic from Ontario Canada.  Happy New Year to you all.  I just recently purchased an SX700, and was very happy to find this website.  Joe and team have done an excellent job along with all  you that have and been contributing and supporting this wonderful site. 

Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Welcome to this forum Dom.

As you mentioned this board is for introducing yourself.......perhaps you can share your musical journey with us ..or how you got to your latest keyboard choice..or share your experiences...etc,etc.

Nothing too intrusive, just an overview of what makes you......well,you!

I am a fellow Canadian living not far from you, in the Windsor area. All the people here are great and are willing to help you.
Perhaps you can repost in the many boards available to us.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

regards Ron J

You can PM me if you wish
PSR Performer Page                                  IT'S EASY TO BE THE SHIP'S CAPTAIN WHEN THE  SEAS ARE CALM

Proud Genos2 owner
Former boards  PSR2100, PSR 910, TYROS 4,  TYROS 5 and Genos


Hello Ron and thanks for the welcome.   Well to your ask,  I started playing accordion at the age of 10 for 5 years taking lessons and then preferred to play by ear as it was easier for me and more enjoyable of course. However I got tired of it at the age of 18 and gave music up. As my kids grew up and took music in school my passion started to come back and bought my first Casio Keyboard when I was 30. Upgraded the Casio a few times and about 10 years ago I purchased my first Yamaha E423. Well let me tell you, it was to me then a really enjoyable instrument and that sparked me to spend more time playing and learning. Don't laugh, but I can not read a single note of music!!.. But, I can play almost anything I hear.   So just 2 years ago I purchased a Yamaha PSR Ew410 76 keys.  That help take me to higher level of learning and enjoyment.  When the SX700 came out, I was intrigued and decided to buy in Nov of this  year.  WOW what a nice challenge learning how to use it and still struggling with all the arranger functionality but the sound is fantastic and well worth the money spent.
  My problem now was how to learn and get support.  One would think that Yamaha Support would have the answers, but nope.  Finding this site and getting started with downloaded Packs from here has opened a door to wonderful enjoyment, opportunities and challenges(at least for me) being new to arrange keyboard. I work on IBM Mainframes and really have had no interest in PC related activities and forms as cars are my hobby. But now things are changing and at my age music that I can play is becoming a beautify and relaxing pass time.
   I think I  may have said too much, now you have.   So I will be exploring this Form to ensure that I do not clutter the wrong boards with mis-filed information nor do I want to waste anyone's valuable creative time.   Have a great day Ron and all the best in the new year.            dom     
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!

Toril S

Hello Domenic, and welcome to the forum! I also play by ear, and I started with accordion just like y0u did, but I still play it :) And I bought my first keyborde when I was 30. You will find a lot of helpful people here, so just post your questions, and people will help. There are also many useful lessons pages on PSR Tutorial. You have a fantastic keyboard, and will get tons of fun out of it!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page

Roger Brenizer

Hi Dom,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your new PSR-SX700 keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:


Should you later decide to become a supporting member, which will include lifetime membership, other forum boards will become available to you, as well as a wealth of additional musical knowledge; however, there is absolutely no obligation to do so.  You may also use the following link to discover the full benefit of becoming a Supporting Member of the PSR Tutorial.


You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend Peter (XeeniX), which presently contains 85,000 plus song titles in 2,528 indexed books.  This index is updated often.

In lieu of making a donation only, you may also order any of the websites resources, which can be found at the following link:


Joe Waters updated "Supporting the PSR Tutorial", on August 27, 2017, which can be found here:


We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family.  If you have any questions, then please just ask.  Many of our members are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Contact Us


Hello Roger. Thanks for the information and yes this is a great site.  I have already purchased a couple Packs(#12 & 14) and they are fantastic.  People have done great work.  I am exploring the forum boards and starting to get a feel for things as this is the first forum ever that I have become a member of.  My time does not always allow me to keep up to date on things so it is easier not to join them.  However, this one is one worth spending time in.  As you mentioned people are very very nice, supportive and informative.  Kind of sense it's like a happy keyboard family. Rare of course but one to be proud of being a member.  Joe and team deserve many applauds as do all of you.  Appreciate the welcome from everyone.                       dom 
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!