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Started by faddario, Dec 14, 2020, 09:56 AM

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Hi all:
I'm new here. And realize how much I have to learn.

I recently purchased a DGX 660. Although I am very impressed with the voice sounds, I am disappointed with the inability to turn off instruments in the auto acomp. Am I missing some thing? My Psr 3000 has that feature. Also can anyone tell me which model is the least expensive that offers that feature?

I appreciate your help.


Hi my friend,
If I am not mistaken,when you choose a preset style on DGX and PSR E series,
you can play either with all the parts of the style or with with just the drums.
There is no style parts on/off function.

But you can use a program on your pc to delete the style part/parts that you don't want (so now you are creating a "new" style) and you can play that style through the USB stick with just the desired style parts.
(The preset style on your keyboard of course will remain as it is. You cannot damage or delete it).

A free software that can do these kind of stuff for the Yamaha models is Mix Master:

Other programs you can use to modify a style on the pc you can find them here:
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If I remember well the styles that DGX series can play is the SFF1 format and not SFF2 format.
Edit: Correction after Chris' post!!
DGX 660 can play ALSO SFF2 styles.These are the styles that models like Genos,Tyros 3-4-5, PSR S  series and PSR SX  series are playing.
Of course you will have to choose 2 out of 4 Main variations for these styles.

You will need to know this information in order your DGX can recognize and play also other  styles that you may want to download on your USB stick:

The "old" PSR series(like PSR 3000) is now called PSR SX with 3 models:
PSR SX600 (released a couple of months ago around and costs 800 euros)
PSR SX700 (released in 2019 and costs around 1.100 euros)
PSR SX900 (released in 2019 and costs around 1.900 euros)

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Quote from: panos on Dec 14, 2020, 02:05 PM
... If I remember well the styles that DGX series can play is the SFF1 format and not SFF2 format. ...

Hi panos,

this is not correct: Due to the specifications in the Owner's Manual, the DGX-660 uses SFF2 (= SFF GE) Styles (and is also comptible to SFF1 Styles of course).

So in principle, all existing Yamaha Styles could be used on the DGX-660. Of course, the Styles of other models would usually have to be edited (with the help of suitable external programs) in order to use them on the DGX660.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Panos, thank you for the info in your welcome email to a new member.  You listing mixmaster as a possible solution for him got me to looking at it.  I had seen it mentioned several times b4 but never looked at d/l ing it.  After reviewing its page at the link you provided it seems that the program may solve several problems I have had in the past and not been able to solve.  So I intend on d/ling it and trying it out to see if it will do what I need to do on my 3000.


Thank you Chris for pointing out that the DGX 660 can also play the new style format :)

Hi ekurburski,
many people prefer to alter the styles on the computer instead of using the on board Style Creator for several reasons using either Mix Master or Style Magic.
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Roger Brenizer

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Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your new DGX-660 digital piano here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

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On my psr 3000 free midi files loaded From usb stick and played quite easily. I can't see those files On my new sx900, usb stick when I insert it. Any advice is appreciated.