A songbook for psr sx600

Started by janamdo, Dec 08, 2020, 03:55 AM

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Quote from: reya on Dec 18, 2020, 08:12 AM
now that you have the usb connection correct .....

Load a registrattion file on SX600
Choose a different song in Mobilesheets (not the song that corresponds to the loaded reg on SX600)  and go to the MIDI tab
Look in the top left of the screen in Mobilesheets to see which registration the song is currently linked to (if any)
Then press the link/chain icon in Mobilesheets.
1) Do you get an errormessage ?
2) Has the name of the linked registration in the top left of the screen now changed ?
Do not save the song in mobilesheets ...

No problem to answer your question and thanks for your help !

A hard days night song is selected in the playlist in SX600
I choose "hey Jude" as song in Mobile sheets and  the top of the leftscreen there is "Get Back"song in MIDI mode

Currently is Hey Jude with registration "Get Back"
With linking: "Get Back"registration
1)No error message
2)No chance of name
No save




Quote from: muddy on Dec 18, 2020, 08:25 AM
1 load the playlist
2 press the first song on the list --A Hard Days Night it should change colour if it doesn't press load or double press it
3 on MobileSheets  right click the  A Hard Days Night 
4 go to the edit tab
5 go to the midi tab
6 delete the instruction by clicking the X
7 press the link icon   The correct Registration command load should be displayed if you get 2 commands delete them and choose the next song in the PLAYLIST Then choose A Hard Days Night again (in PLAYLIST)
8 OK to save
9 Choose A Little Help From My Friends on SX600 PLAYLIST
10 goto 2 But Change Song to the next one in the list
11 do this for all songs

If done correctly then choosing a song in MobileSheets Should load the corresponding Registration and Maybe?? choose a PLAYLIST song and it loads the corresponding PDF song

I don't see A hard days night in the songlist on Mobilesheets
I used your second file for testing

So  imust load the earlier song pdf from you for testing..
7) A "hard days night "selected on SX600 gives at linking in Mobile sheets also a hard days night midi command
So i must then save this first?..saved

Now "A little help from my friend"  the same workflow and saved

Got now two songs saved in Mobile sheets




It seems to be now working finally  :P

Now two songs : "A hard days night"(1) and "A little help from my friends"(2) saved in Mobile sheets
When i choose now in the playlist SX600 : song(1)  on my computerscreen is the score is to be seen there and going to song(2) also the score is changing on my computerscreen

Also the two registration bank are correct 
This must be the intended behaviour of the setup i think?
The Genos setup can be used for SX600



Quote from: janamdo on Dec 18, 2020, 09:04 AM

It seems to be now working finally  :P

Now two songs : "A hard days night"(1) and "A little help from my friends"(2) saved in Mobile sheets
When i choose now in the playlist SX600 : song(1)  on my computerscreen is the score is to be seen there and going to song(2) also the score is changing on my computerscreen

Also the two registration bank are correct 
This must be the intended behaviour of the setup i think?
The Genos setup can be used for SX600


Glad to hear !
Good news for yourself and all current and future SX600 owners!

Have fun

Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Thanks Muddy and Rudy!

All SX600  users can now enjoy a songbook use for PC windows 10 pro
Have fun


Fantastic that it works on PC
Now i can consider to buy a cheaper PC notebook( tablet ) with windows 10 pro  ;)

