Madonna "take a bow" style for PSR-S910 ???

Started by dont811, Dec 02, 2020, 10:05 AM

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Hi, I'm looking for the "Madonna "take a bow" style for PSR-S910."
I've been searching thru my 100's of styles & I've come up EMPTY. Which isn't the 1st time and won't be the last. I've owned my "baby S910" since 2012. I knew I had that style, yet I'd really like to locate it again. Please, would some1 kindly help me ?
Thanking you in advance. Don (12-2-20  10 am EDT). FYI: I've tried to bing & google for this style= :(. So I'm back to my friendly experts. I'll keep this pg. open in my background as i continue to sift thru my libraries--which are scattered about on different HDs--cause I'm a disorganized guy, living w/ a clean-freak wife who puts up w/ my organized confusion. At least all my styles R in YAMAHA file Dirs. I know...big deal  .


Good morning--Did I post this request in the WRONG place ??? Kindly correct me if i did. Thanks.


To those who tried to locate to file-I thank you & will include it here...just in case someone want to take a listen. WoW, 2009, seems like such a long time ago.  In the same batch of styles I simply named "10 must use title songs"  Daaa.  I thought I'd send along all i was allowed to include in this note. Have a great day--off to my S910 I go.  :)  :) Don
PS for some unknown reason, i am unable to upload the "Take a bow' style file. I'm sorry--i really tried. Do I need to change the extension ?


Hi Dont811, i've made this style for you, have a nice day, cheers Patrick
PS: change extension to sty

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tHANKS Patrick, Can't wait to give it a shot.