Copying Breaks

Started by alanclare, Oct 22, 2020, 01:41 AM

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I know how to use the Style Editor on my PSRs970 to copy intros and endings from one style to another, perhaps after having adjusted the bar lengths. Is it possible to copy the break fills in the same way?



Are you asking because you couldn't get it to work, or have you not tried. I believe it should work just the same as other style parts, (although I have to confess it is not something I ever recall doing), but I think you should just try it.


Copying and Pasting the break from one style to another is done the same way. The length of the BREAK is always ONE measure in all styles. So there is no need to check the length.


It works! I copied a couple of styles which have obviously different breaks in Main Variation D, into a new folder. Then I selected the style that I wanted to change, went into Style Creator (Basic),  pressed Break on the keyboard, selected FILL IN D, Ok. Changed to the Assembly tab where RHYTHM2 was lit, pressed button B a couple of times. There I was offered the choice of styles to copy from, pressed the appropriate button a couple of times which took me back to the Assembly page, pressed save, did the necessary, and tried it. Magic.

Il obviously have to keep an eye in the pattern lengths. I was lucky with my choice of styles in that the pattern lengths of my two styles was the same,

Thanks Mike.

Drake. P.S. I've just read your advice that the pattern length are always one measure. That's got rid of that potential complexity. Thanks.


You can also copy the BREAK and FILL IN into a MAIN slot. As the BREAK and FILL INs are all 1 measure and MAINS are always larger than 1 measure.

I have done this a few times with modern country songs. I have copied just the drummer into the MAIN to have a wild drummer banging away through part of the song.  ;)

If you just listen to each track of a style by itself, you can find lots of cool parts to reuse in a custom song style.  ;D




If the two mains you want to move your parts between are different in measures, you can increase the smaller main's measure amount using the Style creator as I have explained in my YouTube lesson. Every thing is inter-changeable with the styles.




I like the idea of your lone wild drummer. I'll have to get me one of those.
Do you listen to each track by telling the others to shut up?
I'm trawling through styles at the moment, listening to breaks. I intend finding me a wild drummer go fill those awkward silences at the end of each stanza of Angelo.
Thanks again for your help.



Hi Alan,

Yes, When looking for the correct drum pattern, I shut off all the parts but the RHY2 track. I first download from YouTube an MP3 of the song arrangement I want to create. I then play the MP3 song file (using the keyboard recorder) and then start the style on the keyboard with just the drum track playing and lineup the two up to play together at the same speed. Setting the style's volume louder than the MP3 track.

Once the two are lined up at the same speed (or very close) I then go through the rest of the styles on my keyboard until I find the same pattern (or the closet one possible). I do the same process to find the Bass Track and rhythm guitar and/or piano patterns in this manner too. The rest of the style is generally easy to finish out.

The last past of the style to find is the BREAK. When I first started to making my own custom styles, finding the "Break" I needed was a chore to find. I have since built so many custom styles I generally just go back to one of my other styles and use on of them.




Your dedication both to learning the intricacies of these instruments and to communicating your findings to others is impressive. I just about followed your description of your technique for finding a useful drum pattern for your chosen song, and you obviously enjoy the process.

It's too much for this old brain to take in, but I thank you giving me an insight to this area. Just learning how to change breaks in a style has opened another door for me, and I'm enjoying applying it. I've had a great day.

Thanks again, Alan


Thanks Alan, Drake
very interesting topic ... and very useful.



I am so pleased with my new-found ability to copy fills from one style to another. I thought that you might like to hear my first stab at using it. I've found my wild drummer!

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Hi Alan,

Sounds like you are on your way to begin creating some customized styles.  8

I also got started by changing out Breaks first, then I got hooked on changing out the PHR1 & PHR2 parts of the styles.



While in the Drum Setup part of the Style Creator, is it possible to hear only the drums playing in Rhy1 or Rhy2?
(I think I've worked this out by turning the other channels off on the Basic page of the Style Creator before entering the Drum Setup)

What does this message actually mean?

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Sorry Alan I just saw this question this morning.

I haven't seen that message before. I went to my keyboard and I can't figure out how to make that message appear either.

So, what did you do to get that message? Or a better question is what are you trying accomplish with the style?




It's a message that I've come across quite often. Being impatient to get on with making music, I've always replied to the question "Yes" and moved on. It's only now since my new-found interest in the Style Editor that I want to know what it means.

I've had a go at trying to bring the message up. You might know - so far I can't, but I'll keep trying. There must be others who've met it when trying to make changes to the drum kit.




It's tricky trying to sort out cause and effect. It seems to be where I've changed the Drum Kit of RHY2 and saved the new style, then opened the modified style in the Style Editor, then pressed DRUM SETUP - up comes the message. On the other hand, if I change the Drum Kit of RH1 and do similar - no message appears.

Any help?



On Genos I get the message as follows:
Style Creator
Rec Channel- normally Rhy2 comes up highlighted Red, but if not touch and hold till it does.
Drum Setup. Now the message appears.

I have not sorted out what it means because I haven't really found Drum Setup helpful. If I need to alter drums there are other (more understandable for me!) ways of doing it.




Thanks for that. Is the message worded exactly the same as that one above from my s970?



Hi Alan,

I understand this message as follows:

Usually the Voices used are defined in the first measure of a Style file (just like in a standard MIDI file) and then apply to all Style sections. However, it is also possible to use other Voices for certain Sections. These commands (MSB, LSB, ProgramChange and possibly VoiceSet and / or Effect Events) are then right at the beginning of the respective Section.

If the "Drum Setup" is used, the Voices of the two drum channels (9 / RHY1 and 10 / RHY2) should be the same for all Style Sections. If the Drum Voices for these channels are different in a Style per Section, this message appears. If it is confirmed with "Yes", the Voices of the current Section are set for the entire Style. (In the "Drum Setup" you can, if necessary, later change the Voices (Drum Kits) as desired for each Section.)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



You have explained the message precisely. The difficulty I had was recognising the meaning of the phrase "Voices of all sections". I didn't associate "Voices" with drum kits and "sections" with Style sections. I hadn't realised that by confirming with "Yes", the changes I was making when I was carefully crafting a drum kit for the Style section I was working with, were being applied to all the Style sections.

It's all clear to me now. Thanks for explaining it to me.



This has solved a puzzle for me. To see the effect of responding "Yes" to that message, I opened the Style Creator and changed the drum set in Main Variation B in RHY2 and saved the altered Style. The drum set in the other Variations stayed unchanged. However, because the drum set was no longer the same in all sections of the style, as soon as I tried to use the Drum Setup anywhere on the altered style, the message appeared. I replied "Yes" and the drum set that I was going to work on became the drum set in RHY2 in all the variations - including parts like the Intros, Endings, Fills, etc.

This also applied when I tried a more obscure alteration. I opened a style in the Style Creator and changed the drum set in one of the breaks. I saved the style under a new name. I selected the new style and as I tapped through the four Main Variations, the drum sets were all the same as the original. On the face of it, nothing had changed. However, when I opened the altered style in the Style Creator and attempted to use the Drum Setup anywhere, the message appeared - because "the Voices of all sections" were no longer the same.




Thank you, Alan, for your detailed feedback! I am pleased that your question has been clarified!

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)