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CoustumVoice packages

Started by Rubberdock, Nov 04, 2020, 10:38 PM

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I have previously purchased 7 CoustumVoice packages for my Tyros5 - all Voice files end up in:

and I've tried to use them in my Genos - it does not work at all.
Have any of you tried the Voice files - or have a super good advice on how to make them work on a Genos.


Quote from: Rubberdock on Nov 04, 2020, 10:38 PM
I have previously purchased 7 CoustumVoice packages for my Tyros5 - all Voice files end up in:

and I've tried to use them in my Genos - it does not work at all.
Have any of you tried the Voice files - or have a super good advice on how to make them work on a Genos.

Hi Rubberdock,

.uvn files are Custom Normal Voices in Tyros3/4 format. They are loaded with "Individual Load" on these instruments.

On YEM compatible instruments like Tyros5 or Genos, you cannot load .uvn Voices directly on the instrument, but you have to use the YEM program (Yamaha Expansion Manager) on your computer.

First make sure to have installed the latest YEM version (currently V2.7.0) on your computer. Then you have two options:

1. If you have also a .uvi file (= Custom Voice Library file of Tyros3/4):
    - Make sure that the .uvi Library file is in the same folder as the .uvn Voice files.
    - Open YEM,
    - click the + button next to "My Packs",
    - select "Import Pack",
    - navigate to the folder containing the .uvi file (and the corresponding .uvn files),
    - select the .uvi file and click OK (or double-click the .uvi).
    - Now a new Pack will be created that contains your .uvn Voices.
    - (The order of the Voices is defined by the content of the .uvi file used, but you can change the order using "> Edit Program Change".)


2. If you want to import .uvn Voice files directly into the YEM (without using a .uvi Library file):
    - Open YEM,
    - click the + button next to "My Packs",
    - select "Create Pack" (to create a new, empty Pack),
    - rename the new Pack as desired,
    - click on the + button below (at the window of your new, still empty Pack),
    - select "Import Content",
    - navigate to the folder containing the .uvn files,
    - select one or more of the .uvn files and click OK.

Note: Alternatively you can use Drag and Drop:
    - For method 1), drag a .uvi file from a Windows Explorer window into the "My Packs" area of the YEM,
    - or for method 2), drag the desired .uvn file(s) into the new Pack created before.

Then install the desired Expansion contents on your instrument (by Wi-Fi using "Send to Instrument" button, or by USB stick using "Save Pack Install File" button).
Important: Select ALL Packs / contents you want to have on the instrument (NOT only the new Pack)!

When using the "USB stick" method for Pack Installation, I recommend to create a .ppi/.cpi file on the USB stick (NOT a .pqi/.cqi "Pack Quick Installation" file). (If at least one .cpf Pack is selected in YEM, you can only select .cpi. Otherwise, if only non-protected Packs are selected, choose the .ppi format for the Pack Install file.)

Some .uvn Voices have a very small file size (only 1 - 5 KB). Such Voices only use internal Tyros3/4 waveforms (Samples). Such extremely small .uvn Voices may NOT work on YEM compatible instruments. Larger .uvn Voice files, on the other hand, are either based entirely on their own Samples or they combine internal and own Samples. These (larger) .uvn Voices should work correctly on Genos and Tyros5.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris
Thank you very much for your answer and your help - I will try it later in the day.   :) :)


Hi Chris

Now it's been tested and it actually works - thank you so much for your great help  :D :D :D

Best Regard


Hi Rubberdock,

thank you very much for your feedback!

I'm very glad to could help you. It's nice to hear that everything worked for you! :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)