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Genos på dansk (2)

Started by erikfutfut, Nov 05, 2020, 07:35 AM

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Hej igen.
Jeg håber du har fundet den danske manual frem.
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Du kan med det samme slå op på side 18 og 19, som er et overblik på alle knapperne.

Så starter vi helt fra scratch.

1. Tænd keyboardet. Du skal først have ryddet alt i den første registrering:
2. (18/21 - side 18 knap række 21) Tryk begge de sorte knapper yderst til venstre ned.
3. Vælg "MENU" og "Regist Bank Edit"
3. Nu vil du på skærmen se 10 bokse. Hvis der et tekst i "boksene"
så tryk på teksten og boksen bliver hvid. - Tryk på alle bokse med tekst.
4. Vælg "DELETE" og "YES ALL".
Nu skulle alle bokse være tomme og du kan gå i gang med at lave en skabelon.

Men inden du laver skabelonen, skal du afgøre om hvor mange pedaler du har brug for.
Hvis du vil synge, vil jeg anbefale at du anskaffer dig 2 start/stop
(hedder også sustain) pedaler og en volume pedal.
Pedalerne aflaster dig når du spiller, og du skal ikke rode rundt på en masse
knapper undervejs.
Jeg vil anbefale at de 3 pedaler anvendes til: Start/stop pedal 1: Tænd/Sluk
for flerstemmig sang (Vocal Harmony) - Start/Stop pedal 2: Start/Stop -
og volume pedalen giver sig selv.

Grunden til at jeg nævner pedalerne her, er at det er en rigtig god ide at indstille
dine registreringer med pedal funktionerne fra start. Så skal du ikke ud senere
og måske lave 50 melodier om, fordi du glemte en pedal indstilling fra starten.

Tilslut pedalerne (huller 36/side 21).

Så indstiller du pedal funktionerne her:
Hold knap 20 nede ("DIRECT ACCESS") og tryk på en af pedalerne, så kommer du hurtigt over til
stedet hvor du indstiller dem.
Under: "Foot Pedals" er der 3 bokse.
De første to er til Start/Stop pedalerne og den sidste er til volumepedalen.
Den første pedal vælger du til flerstemmigt sang Til/Fra.
Tryk på boksen 2 gange og vælg: "MIC" på 2/2 og vælg VH Harmony On/Off og Close
Den næste pedal vælger du til Start/Stop.
Vælg: "STYLE" og "START/STOP" og Close
Vælg: "VOICE" og "VOLUME og Close

Inden du forlader denne side sørger du for at der er flueben i alle tern forneden.
Så virker pedalerne på alt.

Så skal du gemme alt hvad du har lavet indtil nu. Hvis du ikke gemmer det du laver
inden du slukker Genos, forsvinder det hele og du må begynde forfra.

Gem det du lige har lavet her:
Tryk på knap række 21 yderst til venstre "MEMORY" og tryk på knap række 21 (vælg knap 10).
Knappen bliver orange og registreringen er gemt.

Så skal registreringen ha' et navn så du kan finde den igen.
Tryk på de 2 sorte knapper yderst til venstre på knap række 21
Så står du i registrerings banken.
Tryk på: "FILE og "SAVE".
Vælg: "SAVE HERE" og giv registreringen et navn.

Skabelonen skal du bruge hver gang du vil lave en registrering til en ny melodi.
Så slipper du for at skulle slette og rense boksene hver gang.

Du kan godt se at det ikke er er noget man bare lige laver, men hvis du følger
med lidt endnu, så varer det ikke længe før du står på egne ben. Vi er allerede
nået et godt stykke vej.

Prøv at lave det hele en gang til og se om det virker. Hvis du finder nogen fejl
eller noget sludder, så skriv et par ord så jeg kan få rette fejlene.

Hilsen Erik Andre

Roger Brenizer

Please post in English, as we are an English speaking forum.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


That's the problem.
A lot of technical terms, at lot of unknown words, you miss
the meening. As a foreigner i'm not very good at english.

Yours Erik Andre

Toril S

Scandinavians are known for understanding English well. But this only applies to younger and middle aged people. Many older people did not have English at school. And as the OP says, there are many technical terms  to struggle with here.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Erik Andre,

just use "Google Translate" and post in English:
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And additionally use the English versions of the Yamaha Manuals (each in comparison with the Danish version) to ensure that the technical terms or terms in "Yamaha jargon" in your posts are correctly understood.

I do this all the time using the German and the English versions of the Manuals which I opened in parallel to my PDF reader program on my computer. Using the search function (usually Ctrl + F) of your PDF reader, you can very quickly find the text passages in the Manuals where a certain term occurs.

All the best from Germany,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Fred Smith

Quote from: erikfutfut on Nov 05, 2020, 08:04 AM
That's the problem.
A lot of technical terms, at lot of unknown words, you miss
the meening. As a foreigner i'm not very good at english.

Understood, but we're not very good at technical terms in foreign languages. If this forum had to support multiple languages, there wouldn't be a forum. A forum in English is better than no forum at all.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Toril S

The good thing is that we improve our English!😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Here is the translation

Hello again.
I hope you've found the Danish manual.
Available here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

You can instantly look up on pages 18 and 19, which is an overview of all the buttons.
Then we start from
1. Turn on the
keyboard. You must first have cleared everything
in the first registration: 2nd (18/21 - page 18 button row 21) Press both the black buttons on the far left.
3. Select "MENU" and "Regist Bank Edit"
3. Now you will see 10 boxes on the screen. If there is a text
in the "boxes" then tap the text and the box turns white. - Tap all boxes with text.
4. Select "DELETE" and "YES ALL".
Now all boxes should be empty and you can start making a template.
But before you make the template, you need to decide how many pedals you
If you want to sing, I recommend that
you acquire 2 start/stop (also called sustain) pedals and a volume pedal.
The pedals relieve you when you play, and don't mess around on a lot of
buttons along the way.
I would recommend that the 3 pedals be used for:
Start/Stop pedal 1: Turn on/Turn off the multi-voice song (Vocal Harmony) - Start/Stop pedal 2: Start/Stop -
and the volume pedal is self-launching. The reason I mention the pedals here is that it
is a great idea to set your registrations with the pedal functions from the start.

Then you don't have to go out later
and maybe re-make 50 tunes because you forgot a pedal setting from the start.
Connect the pedals (holes 36/side 21).
Then you set the pedal
functions here: Hold down barely 20 ("DIRECT ACCESS") and
press one of the pedals and you'll quickly get over to the spot where you set them.

Under: "Foot Pedals" there are 3 boxes.
The first two are for the Start/Stop pedals and the last is for the volume pedal.
The first pedal you choose for multi-voiced song On/Off.
Press the box twice and select: "MIC" at 2/2 and select
VH Harmony On/Off and Close The next pedal you choose for Start/Stop.
Select: "STYLE" and "START/STOP" and close
volume pedal.
Select: "VOICE" and "VOLUME and Close

Before you leave this page, make sure that all cubes are ticked below.
Then the pedals work on everything.
Then you need to save everything you've done so
far. If you don't
save what you're doing before you turn genos off, it all disappears and you have to start over. Save what you just
made here: Press button row 21 on the far left "MEMORY" and press button row 21 (select button 10).

The button turns orange and the registration is saved.
Then the registration must have a name so you can find it
Press the 2 black buttons on the far
left of button row 21 Then you are in the registration bank.
Tap: "FILE and "SAVE."
Select: "SAVE HERE" and give the registration a name.
The template you need each time you want to make a record for a new
So you don't have to delete and clean the boxes every time. You can see that it's not something you just
do, but if you keep up with a little bit, it won't be long before you stand on your own two feet.

We have
already come a long way.
Try to fix it all again and see if it
works. If you find
any errors or nonsense, please write a few words so I can fix the errors.

Erik Andre


Thank you very much.

But the ideer was to write in danish.

It's very difficult  for me to write the instruktion
in english.

But thanks anyway

Erik Andre

Fred Smith

Quote from: erikfutfut on Nov 05, 2020, 11:14 AM
Thank you very much.

But the ideer was to write in danish.

It's very difficult  for me to write the instruktion
in english.

But thanks anyway

Erik Andre

Then you should write in Danish on your own site. It's not hard to set up a blog on your own.

By the way, your instructions are not new. We've had hundreds of posts on Setup registrations dating back more than a decade.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Most of us write Double Dutch anyway|!! ;D

All the best
John :) 8)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

Toril S

Not me😀 I write kaudervelsk😀😀
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: erikfutfut on Nov 05, 2020, 11:14 AM
Thank you very much.

But the ideer was to write in danish.

It's very difficult  for me to write the instruktion
in english.

Hi Erik Andre,

didn't you read my post above?
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You do not need to "write in English". Just write your text in Danish (e.g. in a text editor like Windows Editor / Notepad). Then copy your Danish text into the left text box of the >>> "Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login" website. (Usually the source language is detected automatically.) If needed, in the right text box click on the "English" button. (You can also type your text directly in "Google Translator" of course.)

Then copy the English text into your post here at the forum. In most cases, the automatic Google translation delivers quite good results. If you discover major errors in the English text, you should of course correct them before you send a post. But basically please don't be afraid of a few spelling or grammar mistakes when posting in English, because: Nobody is perfect! :)

You can also let translate the English text back into Danish again, e.g. to check whether the SENSE of your text has really been translated correctly into English. (The best thing to do is to open another tab in the browser with "Google Translate" for this.)

Best regards from Germany,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



Try Genos- og TyrosGruppen DK at

or in Danish / eller på dansk

Prøv Genos- og TyrosGruppen DK på

Regards / Hilsen

The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999


Chris - I think you are missing his point. He apparently isn't asking questions or posting discussion points. He seems to want to post manual type instructions for Danish speakers in Danish here.  Why he wants to do this on this site seems strange.


I've lived in Korea, West Germany, and the USA permanently and I can speak and write all three and a little Spanish. But, even though my schweets (wife) is 1/2 Norwegian and 1/2 Swedish, I haven't tried to learn either language.

I can appreciate the language barriers from experience, but as has been stated many times, it's not the end of the world, or the "end all, be all" in this computerized networking day and age.

I really appreciate Chris and his comments, that he's already doing what should be done to participate; many kudos and blessings to you for going the extra effort for us to enjoy communicating -- and the same to many others doing the same.

I think what Chris suggests is a good working solution, regardless. On an English speaking forum I can't think of any other options.

@erikfutfut "I hope you stick around".

Toril S

Agreed. The Scandinavian languages are known to be difficult. Don't tell anyone, but we actually are from another planet :)

The friends here are right, there are people on this forum from all over the world, and we would all like to read and write post in our native language, but if we dit this would be the Tower of Babel, and not this wonderful forum. I don't know how google translate would handle all the technical terms though, but it is a good suggestion. Even better is to write in English, and by that proctice the language. Before there was a spell check button on the forum, I miss it, but it is no longer supported by this software, host or whatever. This is the very best forum in the world, so I soldier on with the English. Lets all do that :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Nov 05, 2020, 07:28 PM
The friends here are right, there are people on this forum from all over the world, and we would all like to read and right post in our native language, but if we dit this would be the Tower of Babel, and not this wonderful forum.

Being a Dane, I agree.
It does not make sense to write in anything else but English here.
I am pretty sure there are "local" forums in most countries, e.g. I posted previously a link to a Danish forum.
The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Quote from: Toril S on Nov 05, 2020, 07:28 PM
Agreed. The Scandinavian languages are known to be difficult. Don't tell anyone, but we actually are from another planet :)

The friends here are right, there are people on this forum from all over the world, and we would all like to read and right post in our native language, but if we dit this would be the Tower of Babel, and not this wonderful forum. I don't know how google translate would handle all the technical terms though, but it is a good suggestion. Even better is to write in English, and by that proctice the language. Before there was a spell check button on the forum, I miss it, but it is no longer supported by this software, host or whatever. This is the very best forum in the world, so I soldier on with the English. Lets all do that :)

I found out what that meant = Gibberish!! Lol ;D  " "Sausages to that"!!.  I do know that Peter schmeichel loves bacon. :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Quote from: erikfutfut on Nov 05, 2020, 08:04 AM
That's the problem.
A lot of technical terms, at lot of unknown words, you miss
the meening. As a foreigner i'm not very good at english.

Yours Erik Andre
I only had the english version. I appreciated your link to Genos manual on danish. It is about the same written language as norwegian.

Thank you!
Best regards Ingar
