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Registration with Mulitpad control

Started by npapenfus, Oct 26, 2020, 09:02 PM

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Hi, could anybody direct me on how to save a Mulitpad control in a registration. I want certain multipad function's to come on as a select the registration button.
Thanks in advance for the help.


Hi npapenfus,

while holding the MULTI PAD CONTROL [SELECT / SYNC START] button, press one of the MULTI PAD CONTROL [1]–[4] buttons to put the Multi Pad playback in Standby mode. The corresponding button will flash in red. (You can even do this for two, three, or four Multi Pads at the same time.)

Then memorize this state to a Registration button, and finally save the Registration Bank.

When you call up such a Registration later (that contains one or several Multi Pads in Standby mode), the Multi Pads will NOT run directly on pressing the Reg button, but they will run when you play a Chord with your left hand (when ACMP is on). When ACMP is off you can press any note on the keyboard to start the Multi Pad(s).

To cancel Synchro Start, while holding the MULTI PAD CONTROL [SELECT] (or [STOP]) button, press one of the [1]–[4] buttons.

(Parts of these text are copied from the Tyros4 Owner's Manual, page 65.)

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks a lot, will try it this afternoon.