Installing yamaha pack

Started by trotty, Oct 29, 2020, 07:04 AM

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Good morning
I need help i am trying to install the church and xmas pack all is ok until i get a message stating "Cannot do quick installation a full installation is required " do not know where to go from here any help would be appreciated




Hi trotty
You're making a mistake creating a CPI file. You must not leave a CQI but choose a CPI. Watch the video from 06:22.
Watch my video channel


Thank you all sorted but can you add more packs without deleting the factory installed

again thank you


You can install the packages as you wish. If you download the Pre-installed packages from the Yamaha site, you can combine them with the others you have.
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The installation process is shown in the video I posted in the post before.
Watch my video channel


Quote from: trotty on Oct 29, 2020, 07:58 AM
Thank you all sorted but can you add more packs without deleting the factory installed

again thank you

Yes, but not the first time. If you want to add to the factory installed packs, you need to download those "factory" packs from the Yamaha website and load them into YEM. Then you can create a new pack that combines them with any others.

The 'quick install' option actually only knows about the last pack you created on YEM. It doesn't know what's currently on your keyboard. So if you haven't installed any packs through YEM before, the first one needs to be a 'full' pack so YEM has a known starting point.


Hello folks, where do I find the original Files (Factory Packs) installed on sx900, in order to make a combination of pre-installed plus other?

👍🏻 Don't worry be happy!


Try here:

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Quote from: DerekA on Oct 29, 2020, 11:48 AM
Try here:

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Thank you Derek, very kind.
👍🏻 Don't worry be happy!