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Started by DIANADIANA, Sep 14, 2020, 03:59 AM

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Is possible to convert one voice inside a ppf file into vce format?
I have read one post casually, but i don't remember if is very old
I want to know if now is possible to convert one ppf file into a vce file
i have try one software. yemce, i don't remember exactly.  Because i have read some things, that is possible to convert some format. But when i try to open these, i receive one error
I comprend, that vce files are a little old.
I hope for one solution. I hope that someone try to invent one solution, for use modern content into old keyboards

Joe H

The .vce file is a MIDI setup file only.  There is NO sound in the file.  The COMMON parameters in the YEM Voice Editor will be converted to a Voice File (.vce) when loaded into the keyboard.

So... I'm not sure what is you want to do, but I hope this understanding helps.

Joe H
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