Registration Content Checker (Styles Multipads Voices ..) ?

Started by frankmusik, Oct 25, 2020, 11:50 AM

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Hi Michael, hi Keyboard Editor Cracks :-),
On my online workshop on Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login (german keyboarder meeting)  there came a question.

:" .. is there a tool, checking the content of the linked datas from registrations .."

And i was not able to answer ...

The "Registration Content Checker" would be a tool checking :

-  if the file.names registered in the registrations are in the right place
-  if the voices used in registrations are in the right place (for that of course it ist necessary to make a directory of the datas from the keyboard and need to export that to the pc.
E.g. the export file from valimaties yem content Explorer file for mix master usable???

So ... had anybody ever programed a tool like that or know a solution ?

At the moment, a lot of keyboarder install new premium packs and loose her overview about datas of packs used in registrations ...

Thanks for ideas and tips.

greetings from germany
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube


Hi Frank,

Have you tried asking Murray Best who wrote the 'Yamaha Registration Manager' program or had a look into the program itself?



Hi Ronnie
Murray has enough to do with the yrm...
I get all Infos from him directly and use the 5.2a

And in te future I'm sure he don't want to make more when nobody is able to thank him ... :-(

Greetings frank
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube


Hi Frank. I saw your reply to my post.

I don't think we can do that. There are those CPF packs we cannot open to see what it is there (programmatically).
What if a registration has some external content, like txt file linked from one of USB ports of keyboard, or from USER, or from Internal Memory? How do I check if that file exists (me as a programmer) if I don't check physically if file exists?
I don't think there is a solution for this problem!

I cannot say if all voices from a style are presents in all packs installed! Why? What if that style uses a voice from a CPF file? I cannot see that programmatically! There is no information in installation files about cpf voices LSB-MSB-PC... So, personally, I don't think this could be done!  ::)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Hi Frank,

i think this solution would give an answer to the question you asked. Watch the video.

I also think that YRM with small modifications can display MSB, LSB, PRG data for each voice located in the keyboard and Expansion Memory. I hope Murray will continue to work on this excellent program.

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Watch my video channel


I hoped the directory Made of
- usb Stick
- internal datas
Are enough so the system can check the
Files are in the right place

But as you wrote the copyprotected not exportables...

Murray mailed me also these days I am a user of his software since years... and I'm in contact long time  ..

But I don't want to give more work to him alone ... :-)

I still dream of a checking tool...
Maybe a idea is close to us ...

Greetings frank
Genos and Tyros /PSR Support in Germany - Europe with more than
280 keyboardscouts helping in D-AT-CH-NL at your home!
Monday 18:30 (6:30 pm german time) Live tips on youtube


A very nice video content made by Casper (ckobu) but I will stay on my idea. We will not be able to check the linked content, because this operation MUST be made by keyboard itself.
Korg did some kind of this thing on last update of PA4x, with samples and multisamples!

Although, I think it could be done somehow, by connecting keyboard in USB Mode, and checking all folders. But it will not contain USB connections of Genos, so, files which contains linked data to external devices on Genos (USBs) will return errors :)
There could be recommendation messages for data stored in external devices, to be relinked to internal memory, to be more accurate!
Yeah, these are some ideas for progressing :)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos