Pack Not Recognized on SX-700

Started by sun123, Oct 11, 2020, 12:56 PM

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First try at a pack. The YEM is good, all green, and the files are on a new, formatted flash drive. The display recognizes the USB but does not show files or give any prompts. The unit has 4 pre-installed packs, so I wondered if it's a memory issue? Should I delete one of the other packs? Thanks.


Hi sun123,

welcome to the Psrtutorial forum!

It is not clear from your request what exactly you have done so far. Therefore I describe the basic procedure below:

I am assuming that you have installed YEM V2.7.0.

Note: When you install new Packs, the "preinstalled" Packs that are currently on the SX700 are automatically DELETED.

If you want to keep these Packs, you must first download them from the >>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login and import them into the YEM (in the same way as any other .cpf or .ppf pack). When making your Pack Installation file in YEM you have to select ALL the Packs (green checkmark) that you want to install on the instrument.

If at least ONE .cpf Pack is selected in YEM, the saved Pack Installation file has the .cpi extension. If only .ppf Packs are involved, the Pack Installation file has the .ppi extension.

After inserting the USB stick with the Pack Installation file on it, on the SX700 press "Menu > Pack Installation", select the Pack Installation file and start the installation.

Please refer also to the section "Expansion Pack Related Operations" in the SX700 Reference Manual, pages 134/135. You can download all the SX700 Manuals here:
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Do NOT use the file type "Quick Pack Install file" (.cqi or .pqi) for the first installation. The "Quick Pack Install" feature is only used when you install additional Packs LATER. Note: When making a "Quick Pack Install file" later, you have to select ALL Packs again that you want to have on the instrument. (Do NOT select only the new Packs!)

Hope this helps! If you should continue to have problems, just come back here again and try to describe your previous approach in more detail.

Best regards,

● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks so much for your response, Chris. I did everything as you described with the YEM and the USB stick was properly formatted and loaded with the files. All is good until I install the USB in the port on the keyboard. The prompt says it recognizes the USB, but when opening MENU-PACK INSTALL there are no files showing on the list and no prompts. I've tried it several times. Also tried 3 different USB sticks. Why isn't the machine reading the files?


Hi sun123,

thanks for your feedback!

Please connect the USB stick to the Computer again, and check whether the Pack Install file really is directly in the root directory of the stick (NOT in a folder! ). Check also whether the file has the correct extension ".cpi" (or ".ppi" if you had selected only .ppf Packs in YEM before).

P. S.
Quote from: sun123 on Oct 12, 2020, 12:00 PM
... and the USB stick was properly formatted and loaded with the files....
You always talked about "the files" on the stick. But you need only ONE file on the stick, namely the "Pack Install" file that you created in YEM before (and saved to the USB stick using the button "Save as Pack Install File") .

Have you done this step correctly?

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi sun123,

EJECT should always be used when removing the USB stick from the computer.
Watch this video, it may help you notice where you are wrong.
Watch my video channel


Thanks, all, for your helpful comments. I think I see the problem. The file has a PQI extension. Chris says it won't work on the first download. There was no other choice given when I imported it to the YEM. I will work on that. I had no idea how complicated this could be. The Yamaha instructions given were incomplete and in places, contradictory. Oh, well. Thanks, again.


When creating an installation file, be sure to select the cPi format, so you can't go wrong. In my video it was shown in 6.23 seconds.

See the usage rules for cpi and cqi files in this video.

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