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SX900 & RGT Files

Started by meyrick, Oct 07, 2020, 02:51 AM

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New to SX900 so really do not know. I have a collection of 850 RGT files from my Tyros4. Is it possible these can be used on the SX900, or are they now obsolete? If per chance they can be used, how do I load them. Have searched both the owners manual and the reference manual but can find no mention of them.
Any help gratefully received.
Thanks in advance/



If you have a windows pc you can use a very nice and free tool called Yamaha Registration Manager which is written by Murray Best. With it you can batch convert all of them to SX900 registrations in one go and even edit them one by one afterwards to sort of fine tune them to other effects or voices et cetera. You can download the tool here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

You can find quite a few videos on you tube on how to use the tool. Here's a nice example of one of our members : Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login



Yes you can use them Just select Registration on your keyboard and then tab to USB you have them on and select one and it will load ready for you to use. I have used some of my old Ty4 reg banks and they sound OK.



They might be usable but the registrations will have loads of missing voices and probably also styles etc which can be very frustrating since it will render a lot of them more or less unusable. Which is where YRM comes in mighty handy. Especially if you make use of the conversion table option Murray has built in. Once you replace a certain missing voice from a by an alternative on the SX900 for example it will repeat that automatically for all that same (missing) voices in the batch each time the program encounters that voice.

to each his own ofc but this would be my way :)



I am also a big fan of Murray's Registration Manager for batch processing but I also agree with Eileen that most registrations will perfectly work if you load them directly on the SX900: most voices and styles of the T4 are present on the SX900 (and even the SX700) and if a voice is missing, quite often the keyboard finds a good alternative by itself.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Many thanks for the replies. Better to ask than blunder ahead and run into problems.
I do have the Yamaha Registration Manager, so I will set to and convert them all. Not having used that excellent little program for quite a while, I had forgotten just how useful it is.
Thanks again Xeenix.


Haven't found a problem with voicing on my Ty4 registrations as there are no Super Articulated Two Voices to worry about and if the same style is not present the keyboard will select one that is suitable.
  I do how ever use a lot of third party styles so I just have to re-link them.



Leading Edge

A good article for those needing to carry forward Tyros 4 registrations. 

Eileen:  Thank you for pointing out you have to relink the 3rd party style links to the SX registrations.  However, does the same apply if you use Murray Best's Registration Manager?

Thank you.


Sorry but I would not know as I only use my keyboard to do everything I need.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Leading Edge on Oct 25, 2020, 07:13 AM
A good article for those needing to carry forward Tyros 4 registrations. 

Eileen:  Thank you for pointing out you have to relink the 3rd party style links to the SX registrations.  However, does the same apply if you use Murray Best's Registration Manager?

If you "re-link" using Murray's YRM, then you wouldn't need to re-link on the keyboard.

However, I suspect re-linking is no longer necessary. In one of the updates to the Genos OS, the keyboard now searches all drives for a user style. I think the SX is the same.

So the answer, meyrick, is load the registrations on your new keyboard and see what happens.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Leading Edge

Thank you Fred. That's really helpful information.