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Psr EW410 Saving REG memory to USB?

Started by Dnj, Oct 04, 2020, 02:05 PM

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Psr EW410 Saving REG memory to USB?.......
I have been trying a few different thumb drives and when I hold down the function button it says "Can't Use"?
Two different Usb drives 8G and formatting involved here or ?
help please.....

Thank you

Toril S

Hello DNJ. I don't know about that keyboard, but check your USB stick in the computer and find out if it is in the FAT32 format.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Toril.....I figured out how to format the USB drive in the EW410.....
but I cannot figure out if you you can SAVE the REG Memory Banks on the keyboard to a USB drive?

does anyone know..?



Quote from: Dnj on Oct 04, 2020, 02:39 PM
Toril.....I figured out how to format the USB drive in the EW410.....
but I cannot figure out if you you can SAVE the REG Memory Banks on the keyboard to a USB drive?

does anyone know..?


Hi Dnj,

I looked into the PDF version of the EW410 Owner's Manual:

Obviously you cannot save single Registration Bank files to a USB stick (like it e.g. is common on Genos, Tyros and PSR-S/SX models).

Instead you have to save the complete "User Data" of the EW410. These contain all 10 User Songs, the User Styles on numbers 236 - 245 and all Registration Memory settings.

Please refer to page 72 ("Saving User Data to USB") and page 74 ("Loading User Data from USB") of the EW410 Owner's Manual.

On page 72 of the EW410 Owner's Manual, the numbers "221 - 230" are given for the User Styles. This is probably a misprint, because according to page 74/75 these are the numbers "236 - 245".

Best regards.
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


As Chris/@overover said, you can save all of the Registrations (plus User Songs and User Styles) to a USB flash drive as a User File. It's essentially the same as a Backup File, except it doesn't contain any of the backup data for settings that are automatically preserved and restored even when you turn the keyboard off and on.

Two other important differences between a User File and a Backup File are that (1) a Backup File can only be saved and restored using the Yamaha Musicsoft Downloader program on your Windows computer or MusicSoft Manager app on your iPad, whereas a User File is saved to and restored from a USB flash drive; and (2) you can have only one Backup File-- unless you keep different Backup Files in different folders or temporarily rename them so you can have multiple Backup Files-- whereas you can have up to 100 User Files on a given USB flash drive-- or more, if you use different folders to store up to 100 User Files per folder, or temporarily rename them.

Note that renaming the files or storing them in alternate folders can be problematic, because the names must match what the keyboard is expecting to see or it will ignore the files, and the files must also be in the expected folders, so temporarily renaming or moving the files will require renaming or moving them back again before you can use them.


Thank you so much what I was confused about was and didn't understand that the "USR" save includes  the "complete" User Data" of the EW410. These contain all 10 User Songs, the User Styles on numbers 236 - 245 and all Registration Memory settings.
Now I am aware of how it all works...mostly wanted to use it as back up on USB drive just in case..
this is a great forum with wonderful people helping out the music community...I appreciate you all

Thank you again for all the help.

stay safe


The PSR E453 (and EW400) have their user styles on location 221-230 while the newer E463/EW410 have them at 236-245. So clearly a misprint do to a copy-paste error. The "usb-to-device" port is a nice advantage of the E4xx series which the E3xx do not have. It allows to store registrations or to load additional styles or songs without connecting to a computer.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700