XnX Song Suggestions for Styles (version 2020-04-20)

Started by XeeniX, Apr 20, 2020, 06:21 AM

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Since most of us probably have a little more time on their hands than we would like, I decided to place an update of my Song Suggestions spreadsheet in the pubblic part of the forum instead of in the supporters area like I usually do. This vast list might be able to help you create your own customized MusicFinder or Playlist or simply hands you a few suggestions on what style you could use.

If you think it is useful I'd say: "A thank you or like is but a mouse click away" ;)


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Hi Peter,

Many thanks for your styles and information.

Best wishes, Babette


Many thanks Peter, very much appreciated.



Thank you Peter,
We do apreciate the work you share with us.


Hi Peter -  Use this list quite a bit.  But just how do you use it.  Can you search or can you make lists etc.  Would like some instructions if possible.  I find some of styles I like and they have a list of songs. Is there a way I can make a list???  - Norm



You can search this spreadsheet like any other spreadsheet. If you press the F-key while at the same time pressing and holding the CTRL-key. Than you can type in the title or part of the title of a song for which you want to find a style suggestion. That, or you can use filters but if you want to know how to do that I suggest to google it. There will be plenty explanation available on you tube an etc.



 Peter thanks for taking the time to answer.  I will give that a shot..  -  Norm



I have found this spreadsheet to be very helpful. Thank you.  -Ed L.



Once again I find myself to be a late-comer to discovering your latest offerings. Mea culpa. I must stay awake.

This database is my personal favourite. Your Song Index, while it is a monumental piece of work, can be useful for discovering a copy of a song in a book, but obviously it is reliant upon my having a copy of the book. I use your Song Suggestions collection to find style suggestions by searching back from a song's title (or part of a title) to your suggestions of styles to suit. I can then search my collection of styles, copy likely contenders on to a usb-stick, and then take these to play on my keyboard.

Many thanks, Peter. I use this database on most days.



Hello Peter,

I'm new in this forum as a member, although having some mileage with PSRs, from the 630 up to the SX900, my most recent (and probably definitive, regarding my age) acquisition.  Just came across the spreadsheet you made available on this thread.  Congrats on the work you took over in putting it together, and thanks a lot for making it available.

As 1960 Styles are way more than any single keyboard model ever offered, I'm curious about the process you employed in collecting them.  Are all of them factory?  Did you somehow record the origin of each listed Style?

The reason I ask is that, as you surely know, Yamaha Style naming strategy was never very consistent.  Sometimes Styles with the same name are quite different across models, and (quasi-)identical styles get different names.  As a database aficionado, I discussed this subject with Michael Bedesem at the early stages of his Music Finder View utility, concerning the conversion of MFD's, based on Style names, from one keyboard model to another.  We reached no practical solution to ensure style (quasi-)equivalence in the process, as it would involve an ever-growing database requiring an overwhelming auditioning job, open-ended for as long as new models kept coming out.  By that time I was trying to migrate my repertoire from the 2100 to the then rather new 3000, and Tyros 2 had been just announced.  SFF2 was not even heard of.

As I said, I got curious... would appreciate any comment you care to make about your approach to building this spreadsheet.

Cheers -- José


Hi José,

The 60s styles are presets, converted styles from other Yamaha keyboards and on occasion a premium or expansion pack styles. I renamed almost every style by capitalizing the sperate words in the style name after which I removed the spaces in it and added a number when needed.

This database was created from all sorts of MF files to get a start. After that I added titles by working my way through books finding styles for a song. Even faster when you do it the other way around. Listen to a style and it's intro's and variations and ask yourself which songs would fit to that particular style. This spreadsheet wasn;t build in a year it is build over many years and a zillion hours of time put into it.

I recorded styles to audio format and work with a mp3manager and mp3 tags to query and be able to audition my collection way faster than one would be able to on the keyboard itself.

hope this helps?


Thanks for the prompt reply, Peter.  Yes, I fully realize a database like that takes a lot of time and determination to be put together, not to mention a wide familiarity with songs from all over.  I auditioned all the internal styles of my SX900 just to assign once and for all the actual genre to each, and it took me weeks.  Your task was orders of magnitude more extensive and complex.  Congrats again, also on the very clever idea of working with mp3 captures and tags.

Still, out of my affinity for databases, I wonder whether you have record, for the styles of your list, of where each "came from", in which case I would suggest an additional column to your spreadsheet.  This info could come in handy for someone after a particular additional Style, to search for it in model-oriented collections or repositories, either local or online.

Thanks again -- José.



A good suggestion but That suggestion will never see daylight I'm afraid. First of all as you said, Yamaha made it a maze to begin with and second: I only started with tagging with source with Genos superior pack 2.0 and CVP8xx. Before they coudl come from anywher but very often from the style collections Joe waters is offering on usb/download to support this web site. There is a lot of stuf you probably don;t want in them but when looking carefully there is also a lot of stuff you do want even if you have to modify the styles sometimes.



Absolutely, Peter.  Sorry if I sounded a bit nosy... by all means your "Suggestions" are a wonderful reference tool.  Keep up the good work!

Cheers -- José


Thanks very much! As a beginner, I'm overwhelmed with trying to find appropriate Styles for songs, but this resource is terrific.
It's already helped me on 5 songs I'm practicing!  Again, thanks for all the time and effort put into this project.
"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware."Martin Buber



Toril S

Peter, thank you so much for this! A big virtual hug from me! So much hard work this must have been! And you are so kind and share it with us!! :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.


Toril's PSR Performer Page

