Searching for Registrations (by name) within Reg Banks

Started by jimlaing, Sep 30, 2020, 09:05 PM

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Hi - I am using the Search (magnifying glass) on Registrations - it searches the Registration BANKS (filenames) OK, no problem.  Is there a way to have it search with all the Registrations (i.e. one of the buttons, 1 thru 10) within all the Registration (bank) files?

If I have say 100 Registration files (Bank files), each having 10 buttons which for me are named with various Song names), that is 1000 Registrations total, 10 Reg's in each of 100 banks.  Can I do a Search that finds a particular Registration name?  Example: if Registration bank file "SLOW WALTZES" has 10 registrations, and button 3 is a registration for playing the song "Moon River" ... can I do a Registration Search for the phrase "Moon River" and find it (assuming I have named all 10 registrations (buttons) properly in my Reg bank (file)?

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


Hi Jim,

You can search for content within each Bank through Filters. There are three categories, Tempo, Style and Song. The search method you described in the Moon River example is possible using the Tag option. Watch the video to the end and it explains how it is done.

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Hi - thanks - this video was interesting!  Unfortunately, I do not want to add Tags to over 1000 Registrations, one by one.
It's great the Filters let you find by "Song" Style and Tags, but it's too bad we can't also search by the Name of
the individual registrations within all our Registration banks (files).

Thanks though!
Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


I agree that it's hard to edit a lot of registrations at once. If tags were added as soon as we created a bank, little by little, that would not be a problem. Maybe the Tag editor in Yamaha Registration Manager can help you now.

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Hi - yes, if I had already added the ~1000 or more tags, it would be OK.  But now 1,000 or so Registrations later, I hadn't done that ... :-)

I did name each Registration (button) within all 100+ of my Banks (Reg files), was simply hoping to search based on the content of that naming which I already did, and which is contained inside the Reg file for each Reg (button number).

Thanks for the comments/thoughts/ideas!

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff