hi. I'm Itai. I'm really new to this and i have a question. please be forgiving.

Started by sitai234432@GMAIL.COM, Sep 29, 2020, 07:50 AM

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Hi. I bought a Genos.  I play chord rhythms with left hand. Every time i change Registration, then the left hand is silenced.  How do i change and save contents of registration,  so left hand sound remains `On`  ( Playing  and sounding my left hand piano key presses ),  in "Part On/Off Left",  when changing registrations.  in regular arranger  split musical keyboard.  Now,  every time i press a Registration button,  i   have to press the "left"  Part  button ( which just turned Off ),  to  again Hear my left hand  chord  accentuation  and emphasis in my desired timing.   Any help is warmly appreciated....  Thanks.

Fred Smith

Quote from: sitai234432@GMAIL.COM on Sep 29, 2020, 07:50 AM
Hi. I bought a Genos.  I play chord rhythms with left hand. Every time i change Registration, then the left hand is silenced.  How do i change and save contents of registration,  so left hand sound remains `On`  ( Playing  and sounding my left hand piano key presses ),  in "Part On/Off Left",  when changing registrations.  in regular arranger  split musical keyboard.  Now,  every time i press a Registration button,  i   have to press the "left"  Part  button ( which just turned Off ),  to  again Hear my left hand  chord  accentuation  and emphasis in my desired timing.   Any help is warmly appreciated....  Thanks.

The Left Voice is part of the Style group. So your registration has Style memorized without a left voice.

You need to re-memorize your registration, either with:
— a left voice on and the Style box checked,
— the Style box unchecked (in which case the registration will make no change to the style or left voice)

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thank you Very much.
When I un-check the Style Box, 
then when doing Registration  Save,
then the Left Hand stays On,
The right hand voices stay the Same after different registration button press,
and then i  miss out on the expressiveness  of  having right hand voice change.
So i gain a little ( Left hand stays playing ),  but i Loose a Lot ( No right hand voice change for desired mood change ).

When I  tried to save to registry,  Left hand On
and style box  checked,  it  simply  didn't  work -  left hand  turned Off at registry save.

So  i  still  don't  know  how to solve  this conundrum. 

I tried  changing     the   "Style   Part  on off"   as  explained in  the Reference Manual -
that didn't work either.
( here is the documentation :

Part On/Off This determines whether the Style Channel on/off status changes or not when you change the Style.
• Lock: Regardless of playback status, the Channel on/off status of the previous Style is maintained.
• Hold: While the Style is playing back, the Channel on/off status of the previous Style is maintained. While the Style is stopping, all Channels of the selected Style are set to on.
• Reset: Regardless of playback status, all Channels of the selected Style are set to on

Is  there a more precise explanation for  what i should do ?

Thank you very much
sorry for the length  of the  reply...


As Fred said:

Left Part is bound to Style. So if you want to memorize a left voice in registration, you must tick Style after you press the Memory button. If Style is not ticked, Left Part is not saved in registration!


Select your style. Make your desire choices for Left and Rights parts. Press Memory Button. Make correct ticks in memory screen, Press a Registration number.

Do not use Freeze button, because, you may lock settings from other registrations, using it!

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzi9PPrMTjN8_zX9P9kelxg

Vali Maties - Genos


It works !
My faith in Humanity,
( and in Yamaha ;)
is Restored.


Roger Brenizer

Hi Itai,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I see you've been a member of our forum since October 13, 2018, but this may be the first time you've posted in this board.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your new Genos keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

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