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Altering Styles on SX900

Started by Bernie9, May 29, 2023, 02:15 PM

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I have a bunch of piano styles I can use for split piano, but I want to change the piano bass part to a regular bass. That is easy enough except the bass part is very staccato. That is fine for a piano but not for an acoustic bass. I am not sure which parameters would extend the slope to sustain it a bit.


Hi Bernie --

If the bass notes are in their own Part, a quick solution is to increase the Release time for the bass Part.

-- pj


Thank you PJ
That is what I am trying to find. I am sorry to say I have never gotten into this before.


Could you copy the Acoustic Bass voice to somewhere for editing, maybe the User section, select the voice, then in menu, choose edit voice, add the sustain you want, then save it here.
Go back into the style, go to mixer/style and change the bass instrument to this new edited Acoustic bass.



Thank you for the answer. I have it now.