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Hola a todos desde España

Started by sosayelbes, Sep 14, 2020, 04:45 AM

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Hola a todos. Encantado de ingresar en este foro.
Tengo 52 años y llevo varios años tocando el teclado de manera no profesional, simplemente para mi disfrute.
Tengo un psr 3000 y otros teclados yamaha inferiores. Me gustaria tener un genos ;D, pero para uso personal lo veo desorbitado.

Lo dicho encantado de estar aqui y una lastima no haber encontado antes este foro que me esta siemdo muy util.
Un saludo



Quote from: sosayelbes on Sep 14, 2020, 04:45 AM
Hola a todos. Encantado de ingresar en este foro.
Tengo 52 años y llevo varios años tocando el teclado de manera no profesional, simplemente para mi disfrute.
Tengo un psr 3000 y otros teclados yamaha inferiores. Me gustaria tener un genos ;D, pero para uso personal lo veo desorbitado.

Lo dicho encantado de estar aqui y una lastima no haber encontado antes este foro que me esta siemdo muy util.
Un saludo

Saludos y bienvenido!


Hola Sosayelbes Bienvenidos al Foro de PRS. Encontrará que la gente aquí es muy útil, especialmente si escribe sus mensajes en inglés y obtendrán respuestas más rápido. Parece que su idioma nativo es el español, solo use un traductor de Google al inglés y estoy seguro de que nos enviará mensajes a todos. Que tenga un gran día.

Hi Sosayelbes Welcome to the PRS Forum You will find the people here very help especially if you type your messages in English and they will get replies quicker. It seems your native language is Spanish just use a google translate to english and I am sure you would get you messages across to us all , Have a great day

Roger Brenizer

Hi Sosayelbes,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you'll learn a lot about your PSR-3000 keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

You'll want to be sure to visit the Home page and check out some of the tutorials you will find links to there.  The following link will take you to the Home page of the website:

Should you later decide to become a supporting member, which will include lifetime membership, other forum boards will become available to you, as well as a wealth of additional musical knowledge; however, there is absolutely no obligation to do so.  You may also use the following link to discover the full benefit of becoming a Supporting Member of the PSR Tutorial.,15536.0.html

You'll also gain access to an Excel Song Index database, made available to supporting members by our good friend Peter (XeeniX), which presently contains 85,000 plus song titles in 2,482 indexed books.  This index is updated often.

In lieu of making a donation only, you may also order any of the websites resources, which can be found at the following link:

Joe Waters updated "Supporting the PSR Tutorial", on August 27, 2017, which can be found here:

We're so glad you've decided to become a member and very happy you've decided to become a part of this great forum family.  If you have any questions, then please just ask.  Many of our members are always very willing to help you.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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