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Part Select Problem

Started by sooty8, Sep 11, 2020, 02:57 PM

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I am having problems with Right 3 of the Part Select.

The best way to describe the problem is that if all three parts have sounds in them only part 3 works part 3 will cancel out Part 1 and Part2.
I have never had this problem before, I have switched off the keyboard and rebooted it to see if this can do away with the problem, I am afraid this has not cured the problem. I cannot think of anything I touched other than the split point today as one note needed to be brought in to the harmony other than that I have not touched anything, can anyone help me as when I play any music using all three part select buttons the third one will cancel the other two.

Thank You

Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5


Hi Steve
I also, had a similar problem with the SX900. Voice R3 predominated over the other R1 and R2 which were muted. You have to reset the Spit of the R3 and align it with R1 and R2. In practice, on the screen in the split page you have to return the setting to R1 + R2 + R3 with a single bolt point equal to all three items, I don't know why this anomaly happened.
For now it has not appeared again, perhaps due to a recording that changed the split in a different way.

Others also had the same problem with Genos a couple of weeks ago ..

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Hi, Steve.

Yes, Aquilauno is right.

Probably, the keyboard split settings is mixing up everything. Probably, the R3 is separated from R1+R2. You must join the three voices in the split menu.

Regards from Brazil,
Pedro Eleuterio
Pedro Eleutério
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Hi Aquilauno

Thank you very much for your very fast reply, yes you were right. This morning I altered the split point to cater for a new piece of music I am learning, there are lots of low notes hence the split point being changed. Now I know what to do for the future. This is the first time it has happened to me, I have been playing the TYROS 1,2,3,5 strange. I was getting concerned the warranty runs out this week.

Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5


Thank you also Pedro_Pedroc

Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5


Hi Steve,

this is "only" a Split Point "problem":

Press [Direct Access] + [Sync Start] to call up the Split Point display.

Make sure that the RIGHT3 Split Point is one semitone higher than the LEFT Splitpoint. The default settings are:

STYLE Split Point: F#2 (= the highest note of the Chord section)
LEFT Split Point: F#2 (= the highest note of the LEFT section)
RIGHT3 Split Point: G2 (= the lowest note of the RIGHT3 section)

If the LEFT Split Point is set to a higher note than the STYLE Split Point, the LEFT voice can be played on the keys between the STYLE and the RIGHT3 Split Point.

If the RIGHT3 Split Point is set to a higher note than "LEFT Split Point plus one semitone", the RIGHT1 and RIGHT2 voices can be played only on the keys between the LEFT and RIGHT3 Split Point, when the RIGHT3 Part is ON. (See also the attached picture!)

I guess that in your case the RIGHT3 Split Point is NOT set only ONE semitone higher than the STYLE/LEFT Split Points but it's set two or a few semitones higher. Then, when you turn on the RIGHT3 Part, the RIGHT1+2 voices can be played only on one or relatively few keys.

If you use always the same Split Point settings, you can use "Parameter Lock" (Function > Utility > Config1 > 3 Parameter Lock) to avoid unwanted changes of the Split Points by Registrations or MIDI files.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

[attachment deleted by admin]
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Even I panicked for a while ... I think this is not a defect but a function of the new keyboards. In fact, depending on the song you are playing, it can be useful to have the R1 + R2 voices active and then to have the R3 active when necessary, excluding R1 and R2 with the simple selection of R3, In any case this "peculiarity" can be exploited to our advantage...
...least I like to think so ... ;)



Thank you Chris for your very informative reply, most helpful.


Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5