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New Free Software Available

Started by Barbie_Genos, Sep 10, 2020, 05:49 PM

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Hello everyone,

I know that I am a brand new member of this forum but I bring news from my friend (and now partner) Richard, who was a member of this forum for some years. He wrote a music software program to make backing tracks for Yamaha arranger keyboards called Midi Maker. While he is no longer on this forum he has not forgotten the friends he made here.

So we are pleased to announce  that together we are developing a YouTube channel called RLMUSIC Project. The channel is about making music with Yamaha arranger keyboards and our new software called "Backing Track Maker". The software is like Midi Maker but a lot easier to use and will be available for free to any person who subscribes to our channel.

Richard is in the process of making video tutorials for the software. Five tutorials have already been completed and there will be more to come. For those who are interested, the completed tutorials give enough information for anyone to decide whether they would like to have the software.

To get a free copy of the software just visit  the channel at this link:
Subscribe to the channel and send us an email to request a copy of the software. The email address will be in the description of our introduction video and all the tutorial videos. We would love to see you there.

Barbara and Richard


Hello everyone,

We have now completed all the tutorial videos for Backing Track Maker. It was much harder to do than I thought it would be. Anyway you can find them on our YouTube channel. The link is in the first post.

We also completed our first music video together, which I am quite chuffed about. I have never done anything like this before. I will post the link on "Songs Played by Forum Members"



Hello everyone,

For those of you using our BTM (Backing Track Maker) software.

Richard has fixed a couple of bugs related to parsing complex chords like A#7sus4 or Bbm7(11) for example.

There is now a new version available, which can be downloaded from our website here:

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