voice msb lsb pc ???

Started by balcino, Sep 10, 2020, 05:43 PM

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Hello everybody and thanks for any help !!!
I'm looking into settings of my sx700 to find how i can display the msb lsb pc of the preset and the expansion voices but i cant find it like my s670 and or700 .... anybody know where this seting is ???

Thanks alot Spiros !!!!!




Open Menu in Voice

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Thanks Ckobu I've found it !!!
I also watch your youtube channel very often you are very helpful !!! Thanks !!
By the way let me ask something else if you can help me.
I've installed Balkan and Greek Turkish expansions in my sx700 but i want to remove some unwanted sounds from the pack to free up memory so i can install more expansions, so i want to use all the styles included so i started re voicing them with other sounds that i 'll keep from one expansion (a lot of the sounds are the same in both expansions if you know what i mean) i know that i have to use the same msb lsb that the pack created in the YEM the thing is that for Greek Turkish i used lsb 0 in YEM and lsb 1 for Balkan but in the keyboard says #49-003-001 how can i make a new ppi with the voices i want but with that same msb lsb that the packs already have ??? That i don't understand!!!1

Thanks for any help !!!


Thanks to both of you. Thanks to Balcino for mentioning Ckobu's site. Great tutorials there.  I just subscribed.



It is my pleasure to be able to help.
Changing the LSB is very simple.
1. Mark the Pack located on LSB 000
2.> Change Bank Select LSB
3. Move the Pack to a free space
4. Close the window and save the changes
5. Mark the Greek Turkish Pack
6.> Change Bank Select LSB
.... everything is still logical.

Watch the 03:20 video

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Hi Spiros,

please note: Changing the LSB of a Pack in the YEM via "Change Bank Select MSB" has only an effect on so called "Custom Voices" that use MSB=63 (= Custom Normal Voices) or MSB=62 (= Custom Drum Voices).

But many Expansion Voices (in Yamaha Packs and also in some third-party Packs) use FIXED Voice addresses. All Voices using MSBs other than 63 or 62 are such Voices (e.g. the Voice #049-003-001 you mentioned above).

It is not as easy to change MSB/LSB/PRG of such Voices, since you would have to edit the relevant XML Voice Set file inside the subfolder "Packs" in the YEM User folder "Expansion Manager".

On Windows it can be found at "C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Yamaha\Expansion Manager\". And this can be done only with non-protected Packs (.ppf format) of course.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Thanks for the reply ckobu and Chris !!!
I saw the video ckobu and that is what i' m asking ...  also Chris i found figured it out that Yamaha packs have fixed msb/lsb/prg and you can't change that in YEM. But what happens when you install the packs in first place ???
Here's an example !!!
I had the pre installed packs in my sx700 and I've done some changes with voices and styles and registrations when i first got the instrument ... so after some time i made a pack with Balkan and Greek Turkish expansions so everything was in the instruments memory gone  !!!
In YEM Balkan was on LSB 0 and Greek Turkish LSB 1 ... everything ok !!! Done some work again ... but now i decide to install again the Europe and Oriental packs that was pre installed in the instrument before !!! Doing that in YEM i have Balkan LSB 0 Greek Turkish LSB 1 (as before) and then the other packs takes the next number (Europe LSB 2, Oriental LSB 3) OK !!!
The thing is whats happening with the work I've done before... how can i find in with LSB was the pack when it was first installed in the instruments memory (now in YEM 2 and 3) so the work I've done before still works !!!
That is what i don't understand ... the relation between the YEM LSB slots 0 1 2 3 ... 127 and the instruments MSB LSB PRG !!!

Thanks for your help !!!

Spiros !!!!!!

Joe H

Quote from: balcino on Sep 15, 2020, 04:46 PM
... In YEM Balkan was on LSB 0 and Greek Turkish LSB 1 ... everything ok !!! Done some work again ... but now i decide to install again the Europe and Oriental packs that was pre installed in the instrument before !!! Doing that in YEM i have Balkan LSB 0 Greek Turkish LSB 1 (as before) and then the other packs takes the next number (Europe LSB 2, Oriental LSB 3) OK !!!
The thing is whats happening with the work I've done before... how can i find in with LSB was the pack when it was first installed in the instruments memory (now in YEM 2 and 3) so the work I've done before still works !!!...

If you have used the Balkan and Turkish Voices in some your styles before you changed the LSB, you can change the LSB in the styles to match the new LSB using MixMaster.  Go to the Multi Processing Menu to change the LSB for both the Drum kits and Normal Voices in the styles (and it works for Multi Pads too)

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html

