Record video on your phone with sx900 audio

Started by juliofluminense, Sep 09, 2020, 10:21 AM

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I would like to record videos on the phone with the audio of the sx900 itself. Does anyone have any practical ideas for doing this with quality?

With the Rec'n'Share app it is possible to do this on the sx600, but the sx900 is not compatible with Yamaha's own app (sad that), as it does not seem to transmit audio via USB. Would it be possible, via updating, to create this compatibility for the sx900 in the future?


The best way to record your performance  is  buy a quality video camera and filters


If you have average computer knowledge you can use a Video Editing software to get it done.
Or use one of the App on the phone to sync Audio / video

But I recommend using the Computer.

Just the Audio Recording from the Keyboard and take a video on the phone at the same time.

Regards Norman!
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


The audio out from your keyboard to the mic or line in to your telefoon start with low volume
A statief desktop or stand alone with a holder for your telefoon

Or buy a good webcam with H.D. also with statief
Use video recording software on your computer
keyboard Audio out to audio line in on the computer


A phone can work but you need a special cable from the keyboard to the cell phone headphone jack, that allows direct recording of audio

A used Kodak Zi8 camera, purchased cheap on ebay, or other sites, works well with 1080p video, and direct audio line in recording.
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


 Although phones have great video recording and other features their audio recording is not really good enough to record good audio still need a decent stand alone video recorder to achieve this.


I connect the keyboard to my audio interface line input to record audio while video myself using my phone. After I'm done,  I import the recorded video in Cubase and replace the video's audio with the recorded audio. Both video and audio tracks are placed exactly inline to each other at the beginning of the bar and they play together nicely and in sync. Then I export the video with the audio and upload to YouTube.


Hello, i usually use the camera or the audio recorder on the phone to record, but the quality isn't that good. I have a galaxy s9.
yamaha extentions files styles for keyboards are as follows:
pst (pianist); pcs(piano combo); sst (session); prs (pro); bcs(basic); fps (free play) and scp (dj style).