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Error code

Started by Alan E, Sep 21, 2018, 12:42 PM

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Alan E

Has anyone else had this problem.

Randomly, my T5 will freeze with the following error code


It can happen sometimes within minutes of switching on or I can spend hours playing with no problem. It is unpredictable.

I did a search on Google and it would seem to be a problem with the Wi-Fi connection. I have the Yamaha adaptor supplied with the board and until now has worked faultlessly. I have reset the connection to the router but still get the problem. According to the piece I read on Google this was a problem with firmware versions prior to v1.13 which is installed on my board.

I know that the wi-fi connection is only needed for the date stamp but I am one of those people who thinks if it is there then I want it to work.

At the moment the adaptor is unplugged and everything is fine so at least I can play.

At the moment I don't want to do a reset on the board to avoid wiping out my settings but realise I may have to in the end.

Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7


Alan, I had the same error twice and don't know what's the cause.
Had to turn off the keyboard, and still running good.
It's very possible it has some to do with WI-FI connection, but don't really know.



had the same error message this year, Yamaha replaced the motherboard and issue is for more months gone already.
tried everything restore to default, upgrade OS .... but replacing the motherboard was the solution.

Genos 2 ....before: Genos 1,Yamaha Tyros 5,Tyros 4, PSR 1500,1100,1000, Roland E-38,Technics KN920 and Estrada AR207

Alan E

As the error is related to the file time stamp (as far as I can tell this is all it's used for) I have continued successfully so far to proceed as follows

Turn on Tyros.
Insert dongle and allow to connect to the internet and update the time.
Remove the dongle and continue using the Tyros as usual.
Obviously I only need to do this if I intend to save any files.

It works for me.

Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7


On my Yamaha Tyros2 it happened today for the first time when I tried to load a style converted from another keyboard.
Here it is:

Unespected error!
Turn the power off and on again.

Probably the style in question had some problem or has not been converted properly.


Quote from: aldus51 on Oct 19, 2020, 09:43 AM
On my Yamaha Tyros2 it happened today for the first time when I tried to load a style converted from another keyboard.
Here it is:

Unespected error!
Turn the power off and on again.

Probably the style in question had some problem or has not been converted properly.

Hi aldus51,

you could use  Jørgen Sørensen's PC program "Style Fixer":

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Quote from the product website:
QuoteStyle Fixer is a software program for repairing erroneous YAMAHA Keyboard style files.
This program will check erroneous Yamaha keyboard style files and repair a number of common errors.

Not repairable style files will be listed and allow the user to delete these files or to move or copy these files to user selected folders.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Alan E

Just an update.
I have found that if I plug the Wi-Fi dongle into the front USB port I have no problems but the rear port causes problems./

Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7

Toril S

Hello Alan E:It may be as simple as that the fromt port brings the dongle in a more direct line wiht your router, or the rare port has a bad connection.
Aldus, the turn of the keyboard message comes when the keyboard is having problems reading a file, or when we work too fast, so the keyboard don't get enough time to keep up. I get that message on all my keyboards from time to time. it is not a fault, but rather the keyboard's way to protect itself.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Alan E on Nov 02, 2020, 01:28 PM
Just an update.
I have found that if I plug the Wi-Fi dongle into the front USB port I have no problems but the rear port causes problems./


Hi Alan,

if it is not just the better WiFi connection (if the WiFi adapter is plugged in FRONT), there could be an internal USB error (which only affects the rear USB socket). Does a USB memory stick work normally when it is connected to the rear USB port?

To be on the safe side, I recommend using the internal Test program to check that all the USB sockets are working properly.

If you want to do this test yourself, just send me a PM (Personal Message), and I will send you the details of the Test procedure.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

Alan E

Thanks for the replies. As there is very little use for the Wi-Fi on the T5 I am just going to continue using the front socket.

As far as I can see it is only used to set the time so the files can be date stamped.

Thanks again for the answers but have decided to leave well enough alone.

Yamaha Tyros 5   Ketron SD7