Registrations before and after upgrade Genos

Started by vanzee, Aug 27, 2020, 03:12 AM

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registrations made on Genos after "upGRADE" to version 2.
cannot be opened on a Genos that has NOT been upgraded (v.1.).
Get the message: "... not properly loaded"
Conversely, after upgrade Genos DOES open Genos registrations from BEFORE upgrade.

Had created a registration bank on Genos v2. pass to
two comrades one with Genos upgrade and the other with version 1 ..
On Genos version 2. everything works normally and version 1. gets
above message.

My conclusion:
apparently after the upGRADE one can actually speak of
a new Genos, in other words Genos2 and the story is:
"new can read old but old cannot read new"
also applies here.
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


The registration file heading record was changed in V2 adding 5 additional characters, this is why Genos V1 cannot read V2  files.

One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at: