Styles. Four Variation Buttons. A B C D.

Started by YammyFan, Aug 23, 2020, 06:41 PM

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 I have been collecting styles which have unaccompanied solo instruments built into one or two of the main variations, but they are hard to find. I have never tried to build a style or a registration--I don't have the skills or the patience to do this. I still have a lot of styles on my USB stick which are, to my ears, just plain boring and repetitive. I should delete them, but won't do that until I become a more accomplished player. [ I have only been playing a keyboard for about 5 years.] And maybe, I need to switch off the ACMP button every now and then whilst playing a style or set up my FC7 pedal for effects. Or maybe, there is something else I am missing.


Fred Smith

Creating, or modifying, styles is hard. Registrations are easy.

You should definitely try creating registrations. You many find they do everything you want.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Some people complain that the styles are to busy and mute all parts except Drums and Bass, others like them fuller. This you can do by using Multi Pads that will often add more interest to a style.
  It also is not that hard to create your own pads to suit your needs.



I created a tutorial about style creation.
If you want to try, it's hard but not the hardest thing ever.

Take a look at

Pedro Eleutério
Pedro Eleutério
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Style creation IS hard, period!

There are instructions in the book (sometimes fathomable!) and some excellent on-line videos that will tell you what buttons to push in what order, and that's fine.

Alas, there are no instructions in the book or on line that will magically give you the musical skills required to produce a really good musical style! You need to understand arranging, you need to think like a bass player, drummer, guitarist etc and how they would actually play. You need to think about arranging correctly for strings, brass and reed sections. And so on! And then you need the skills to take all of that and relate it to what you have to do on the keyboard. I'm lucky, after 50 years as a pro and a teacher, I do have all those skills - some sharper than others - but I'll still leave style creation to the experts. I might edit a style now and then, replacing a bass line or rewriting a poorly written string section perhap, but I don't have the time or inclination to go from scratch!

But registrations are easy, and if you have a keyboard that allows you to set up your own registrations, then I'd encourage you to do it. There's a foolproof guide on my website!
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.