MuseScore 3.5 Released

Started by frozzers, Aug 13, 2020, 02:37 AM

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A new update of MuseScore was released on 7 August.

The main new feature for me is it will now play chords based on any chord symbols included in the score.

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Clavinova CVP-909, DGX-670


Hi Chris; thanks for the information. I'll download it immediately, really I use musescore a lot, It's easy an make good results.


When you save a song in midi file in muse score 3.5. then you have 2 tracks midi
one  with the melodie the second with chords in blockform
Play the song in the tyros or genos
Assign the the track with the blockform midi to chord detect
now you can use a style to play along with the midi file
Set on the blokform midi track the velocity on zero
