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Genos på dansk (1)

Started by erikfutfut, Nov 05, 2020, 06:42 AM

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Hej Genos lovers.

Jeg ville høre om der i dette forum befinder sig danskere.
Ville det være en god ide hvis vi fik vores eget "mini" forum
hvor al kommunikation ville foregå på dansk ?

Jeg er lidt træt af, at lige meget hvor jeg læser eller kigger
YouTube, så føler jeg at det alt sammen drejer sig om at vise mig
alt det instrumentet kan, og meget sjældent en pædagogisk
forklaring på hvordan jeg bruger det, punkt for punkt.
Læser jeg den skrevne manual er det det samme.

Jeg kunne tænke mig at lave en lille instruks forløb med
titlen: "Fra postbudet til scenen", hvor jeg starter fra du tænder
Genos for første gang og frem til du skal spille for andre end dig selv.

Jeg har for nyligt selv købt et Genos keyboard, og jeg har jeg brugt 2 måneder
med at sætte mig ind i hvordan jeg bruger det til husbehov.
På flere tidspunkter har jeg været ved at opgive og smide
det ud af vinduet.

Men tilsidst har jeg fået det til at virke så godt, så jeg nu
har stablet en duo på benene med Genos
og en saxofonist der også synger. Og jeg skal love for at det
har været anstrengelserne værd, så fortvivl ikke.

Wow, ka' den også det ? Og hvad gør jeg så ?

Hold øje med mine indslag.

Inden du går i gang ville det være en god ide at
downloade en dansk manual til Genos hvis du
ikke allerede har gjort det. Det gør du her:

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Jeg vil så hen ad vejen referere til manualen primært med billeder og illustrationer.

Hilsen Erik Andre.

Edit by Roger Brenizer

Hi Genos lovers.

I would like to hear if there are Danes in this forum.
Would it be a good idea if we had our own "mini" forum
where all communication would take place in Danish?

I'm a little tired of the fact that no matter where I read or watch
YouTube, I feel like it's all about showing me
all that the instrument can, and very rarely an educational
explanation of how I use it, point by point.
If I read the written manual it is the same.

I would like to make a small instruction course with the
title: "From the postman to the stage", where I start from you turn on
Genos for the first time and until you have to play for someone other than yourself.

I recently bought a Genos keyboard myself, and I have spent 2 months
getting to know how to use it for household needs.
At several times I have been about to give up and throw
it out the window.

But in the end I made it work so well, so I have now
piled a duo on my feet with Genos
and a saxophonist who also sings. And I have to promise that it
has been worth the effort, so do not despair.

Wow, can it do that too? And what do I do then?

Keep an eye on my features.

Before you start, it would be a good idea to
download a Danish manual for Genos if you have
not already done so. You do it here:

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I will then refer to the manual primarily with pictures and illustrations.

Regards Erik Andre.

Roger Brenizer

Please post in English, as we are an English speaking forum.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


After 2 months of use with the manual and the internet I am sure that you know something about the Genos.

I too, am a sax player, having trained 10 years with private instructors, and I have been playing for over 50, as well as various other instruments.

I think that it is wonderful that you want to teach how to use the Genos, however, unfortunately unless you do it in English then as you have been advised by a Moderator, you will have to go elsewhere.

Hey, why not start a forum of your own? It's not hard to do.

If you continue to violate the forum rules, and you continue to ignore the guidance/warnings of the moderators, no matter how good you are or how well-meaning your intentions, your account will be deleted.

So, if you do post, please post in English.

As a critical side note: There are MANY knowledgeable Yamaha keyboard users AND instructors in this forum. Even programmers who develop specialized Yamaha software. 2 months? YOU may find out quickly (quite possibly) that you don't know as much about the Genos as you think you do. I can see where not burning bridges with this forum might be a good very good idea.

Toril S

He is asking for a board where people can post in Danish. Would that be possible? A Scandinavian board maybe, Danish, Sweedish, Norwegian? I fear the answer would be no, but the idea appeals to me!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: Toril S on Nov 05, 2020, 08:02 AM
He is asking for a board where people can post in Danish. Would that be possible? A Scandinavian board maybe, Danish, Sweedish, Norwegian? I fear the answer would be no, but the idea appeals to me!

Sounds wonderful, Toril, but everything here is posted in English so nobody is excluded. That is why I suggested he start his own forum. I think it's a good idea and it would be wonderful. But, I also think that it's wonderful if he would post in English and grow together.

The cost of running a small board initially is $5/mo + under $15 for a domain name. Board software is free.