SX900 saving usb styles

Started by anon125, Aug 07, 2020, 12:37 PM

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Yamaha wrote..."My next suggestion then is to copy the style file from the USB section to the internal memory of the keyboard. Then follow the steps on adding to favorites again and see if it then becomes an option."
is this doable on a sx900?


Not sure about this question 'yamaha wrote' ???

But as far as saving favs.....Yes can copy styles to user from all psr s /tyros and genos models from USB to your user drive on the 900.well as far as I am aware

I have over 10,000 in user, handy to search from if you 'song title' them ...and they dont take up a huge space.

Some I have found will save to favourite, where others wont ...another member might be able to specify why.

Before the last firmware update version ( you last question on the forum....I note no reply )  it only seemed possible to save 'preset' styles and voices to favourite. but now I have noticed other styles, well some can be saved....Note... there is a limit to 100 styles available to store in favs.

Hope that helps


ps...another solution is to create your own fav. folder in user then there is no limit to how many you keep in it, or no issues if some of your fav.styles are not saveable in the regular fav. way.


I have updated the firmware from 1.03 to 1.05, trying to solve a voice that wont play on one key!


Now I get it posted this in the wrong thread!!
Copy it into your other post and it might get the reply you need



OOPS you are correct
thanks for noticing


As the sx900 is very new to me, can some with one kindly explain how i would follow blackpools helpful ideas?
In user i clicked file and created a new folder.  But how do i get to the folder? and how do i copy a style to that folder?

Fred Smith

Quote from: anon125 on Aug 11, 2020, 09:13 PM
As the sx900 is very new to me, can some with one kindle explain how i would follow blackpools helpful ideas?

Start by copying one style. Navigate to your style. Tap File>Copy. Highlight the style you want to copy. Tap Copy. Navigate to your User drive/folder. Tap Copy Here.

Now that you've successfully done one style, you can do many in one operation. Where I said "highlight the style", you can highlight as many as you want. Otherwise the procedure is the same.

If you're going to copy all your styles to the User drive, you should decide on the file structure first. It could be the same as your USB, or something different. But decide on a structure that will work for you. Then copy.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


When i tried file copy it would not move frrom that screen. Then a copy box appeaareed on the right and it copied it. Then to user, my faves, and clicked copy. Voila !
Thanks for your help