Modifying Annotations in Songbook PLus?

Started by Bob88, Aug 12, 2020, 09:06 PM

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     Well, one problem just solved re page turning pdfs and now a new issue.  I have used Songbook Plus for years on my ipad.    With pdf songs that have chord symbols above the melody line I like to enlarge them by clicking on the modifications option,select the chord
name  and use the option to enlarge it.  This feature also highlights the chord name by adding a colored border.  Today I decided to improve the chord structure by changing an F chord to F6. When I tried to delete the F and insert F6 , the trash icon did not open on the screen. Now anything I add to the pdf cannot be removed.  A real problem if typing an error. This issue   renders Songbook basically useless for me.
  Regards, Bob

Rick D.


If you tap and hold the annotation you want to delete, the menu pops up with the waste bin on it.
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Open it to section 12.2 page 18.

Hope this helps!

Rick D.


Rick:  Thanks for your reply.   I wish it was that simple.  I knew how to delete . The problem is,
tapping on the  chord I wish to delete does not respond. The trash option does not appear. I posted on the Songbook forum but have not heard back.   

Rick D.


You have to make sure none of the buttons on the main toolbar are selected. If one is selected push it again to deselect it.
Some times it is finicky and you have to tap on your modification you want deleted a couple of times to make the toolbar with the trash can pop up.

If your iPad screen is dirty, it can cause problems too.

Rick D.

Fred Smith


It seems tome that the chord symbol you're trying to change is not an annotation. It's just part of the pdf document.

Have you tried tapping something you know is an annotation, to see if you get the trash bin?

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Rick D.

Good point Fred, I assumed it was one he made.
To get rid of one that is part of the PDF, the pen with white ink will block it out, then you can put your new chord over it.

Rick D.


Fred and Rick:   As usual I fail to accurately descibe a problem.   I should have mentioned, yes there already is a chord symbol  over the notation.  Somehow I did not make clear that I increase the visibilty of the chord  name by adding a modification which enables to enlarge the chord size plus
add a coloured border  to the chord name.   This highlights the chord title.  It was that addition that caused the issue when I wanted to change the chord from F to F6.   It would not delete.  Fortunately the problem has been corrected.  Matthias and his support team have offered help in changing settings within Songbook+   to correct  it.   Don't ask me to elaborate  I would end up confusing you again.  Your help is  appreciated.
Regards, Bob

Rick D.


Too bad you don't remember what the remedy was, it might help others. Like I said mine gets finicky and requires a couple of taps to get the sub menu to open at times.

I do that very same thing with notations, not to make the chords bigger but to change them to something I feel sounds better to me. I do not have any problems deleting these if I decide I like the original better after all.

Rick D.