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Using Registrations

Started by adrianed, Aug 15, 2020, 08:24 PM

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Hi Folks,
I have a question that I should have asked years ago, I just didn't think to ask
I have many bought registrations and also quite a few from players on this forum
I just put them into the keyboard and use them as they are with the song that they were intended for, also of course try them with different songs if practical
Many of them don't sound good and I cant believe they sound on my keyboard the same as the creator built them or intended them to sound
This is not a complaint against the folks who provided them
My question is am I supposed to alter the volumes or something else to make them sound right or should I just be able to use them as they come
In another way should they sound the same in all T5 keyboards or is it normal to have to adapt them to our own individual keyboard
Thankyou in advance,

Fred Smith

Quote from: adrianed on Aug 15, 2020, 08:24 PM
Hi Folks,
I have a question that I should have asked years ago, I just didn't think to ask
I have many bought registrations and also quite a few from players on this forum
I just put them into the keyboard and use them as they are with the song that they were intended for, also of course try them with different songs if practical
Many of them don't sound good and I cant believe they sound on my keyboard the same as the creator built them or intended them to sound
This is not a complaint against the folks who provided them
My question is am I supposed to alter the volumes or something else to make them sound right or should I just be able to use them as they come
In another way should they sound the same in all T5 keyboards or is it normal to have to adapt them to our own individual keyboard
Thankyou in advance,

Registrations will sound the same only under limited circumstances (made for your keyboard, same Master EQ, preset styles and voices, etc.). Also your setup, and most importantly your speakers, can dramatically affect the sound.

Bottom line, most of us have to tweak registrations we get from elsewhere. It's something you should expect to do with external registrations.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Yes I agree Fred also we all have our own idea on sound so will alter things to our own liking. I have always made my own registrations and find commercially bought ones never come up to my expectations.

Toril S

Same here. I make registrations when I need them, but often I do without.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Fred,
Thankyou for your reply to my questions, so tweeking it has to be then
Thanks again
Ps sorry for the delay in getting back, my internet was down for the second time this month


Thanks eileen,
Some registrations don't sound like real instruments on many registrations, tweeking might help
Disappointing though, I have bought many from Strawberry music and also many from this website
PS sorry for the delay answering, my internet has been down


Hi Toril S,
Couldn't reply sooner my internet has been down,
When I buy registrations I am hoping I can just play music instead of fiddling with the nobs
Nothing is ever going to be that good is it ?



Which speaker setup do you use? Are you familiar with the EQ settings on your Tyros?

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Its important to realize what registrations are, just pointers to various functions which you or someone else thought worked well for a song. Just like styles, some choices might be to your liking, some might not, and some might just be terrible. And of course, because they are only pointers to items, they only work perfectly if the same items  exist on your keyboard, are stored in the same place, and settings are the same, otherwise they will not find the correct set up. Hence the need for tweaks. When you buy commercial registrations, these things should be for the correct keyboard, and work, but not necessarily if you download someone else's. And I always think of these song setups like decorating a room in your house - would you want to use the exactly same furniture, colors, fabrics etc as someone else? 


Everyone's hearing is different, so you will inevitably find that certain aspects of someone else's registrations are not to your liking.
I have a Tyros5/76 & Tyros4 SE XL.
My keyboard holds every song ever written. I just have to find them.

Fred Smith

Quote from: adrianed on Aug 18, 2020, 10:52 PM
Some registrations don't sound like real instruments on many registrations, tweeking might help
Disappointing though, I have bought many from Strawberry music and also many from this website
PS sorry for the delay answering, my internet has been down

Commercial registrations, which are designed for your keyboard, should sound good right out of the box. If they don't, it's more likely an installation error than a bad registration.

-- were the registrations designed for your specific keyboard?
-- did you install them correctly?

You should post one of the registrations you're having trouble with so we can take a look at it for you.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred,
All of purchased registrations I am referring to were said to be for the T5
To use them I just decompress and copy them onto a USB drive and plug it in the keyboard, after pressing the regbank buttons I locate them by pressing the tab button then I can play them directly from the USB or copy and paste them onto the keyboard hard drive
Is there better way??
I will look for a reg to send you one Fred, I hope I can find a way which isn't so public, just to be safe from copyright problems
Might take a day or so


Hi JohnS
I use hearing aids which in theory give me flat even hearing along much of the hearing range, OK far from perfect


Hi Stijn,
I use the TMS-05 the speakers supplied with the keyboard

Yes I am familiar with the EQ


Hi mike,
I am careful to only purchase registrations that are setup for the keyboards I want them for,  The reason  I buy registrations are so that I don't have to spend so much time doing them myself.
I have of course setup many registrations myself but sometimes its good to get something that you don't have to do yourself, the days are so full