Audio style time signatures and its assembly by style creator

Started by anandmaloo, Aug 07, 2020, 10:27 AM

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I had read somewhere here that Audio style through audio phraser can be made only of 4/4 time signatures but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it can create style of any style signatures !  More specifically I did create 6/8 and 7/8 styles successfully.

I was trying to import this audio style track INTO my normal styles through assembly feature in style creator. However I understand that it cannot be done. Actually its the other way round. I can edit an audio style and add all other components in that audio style from Assembly feature. Its a little longer route (to import 8 tracks into the audio file rather than import only the audio track in a normal style file) but nevertheless gets the job done.

Please let me know if there is any route to import the one audio track from the audio style file to a normal style file.

Also how do I copy audio track of Main A into Audio track of Main B ? Can it be done on a Genos or is it possible only through a PC?


