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Started by Oymmot, Jul 29, 2020, 08:30 AM

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I ordered from Yamaha Entertainerpack which contains joddle sounds and more. It was stated on Yamaha's MusicSoft that it fits Genos but ExpansionManager refuses to accept.
Says it's not compatible with Genos.
Does anyone know anything about this and maybe have so I can download the right pack for my Gnnos.
Tommy Ölin
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As yet the entertainer pack is only available for Tyros 5.


Yamaha  answer for this pack:
We apologize for the delay. Our team is working on this issue and we hope it will be resolved soon. I wrote down your email address and will contact you once the Genos download has been corrected for this pack
Have a lovely day everybody...


Thanks for the reply but ... I already have this pack installed on my Genos and in the display on Genos is Entertainer 2016_Genos.
Why I need a new installation is that I want to expand my expansions and since I already have this Enteratiner installed, it will disappear when I add more packs.
Tommy Ölin
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Tommy - How did you get the pack onto your Genos in the first place, though? Do you not already have it in YEM?


No, it is no longer there, it was when I bought the Tyros 4 or 5 a number of years ago that I got this pack.
I do not know where it happened, maybe it disappeared when the computer crashed.
When I got Genos, I think I downloaded it from Musicsoft again when I got Genos but do not really remember.
Now we have moved and if I had it on a USB, it is gone.
It is very strange that I have it in my Genos but that Yamaha says that it does not exist in Genos.
I wrote on PSR in the belief that someone could have this Pack and I downloaded it somehow.
Tommy Ölin
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Gunnar Jonny

Quote from: Oymmot on Jul 29, 2020, 11:45 AM
It is very strange that I have it in my Genos but that Yamaha says that it does not exist in Genos.

Entertainer_2016 pack do exsist for Genos, I bought it long time ago. But, it's not complete into the free download yet, so just be patient, it will probably be there in not too long.
They have some 'new' items added day by day. 😊

Btw, Entertainer_2016 premium also include the Ballroom pack (Two in One)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Does anyone know if you can go around this log-in.
I do not have a username and lo gin information.
I happened to delete everything on my Genos when I installed more packs.
My Entertainerpack disappeared and I got this pack from someone here on the forum but ... I do not have a password.
Look att .jpg picture

[attachment deleted by admin]
Tommy Ölin
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Quote from: Oymmot on Aug 03, 2020, 09:34 AM
... Does anyone know if you can go around this log-in.
I do not have a username and lo gin information.
I happened to delete everything on my Genos when I installed more packs.
My Entertainerpack disappeared and I got this pack from someone here on the forum but ... I do not have a password. ...

Hi Tommy,

the Pack you received from another user is obviously an earlier, PURCHASED version. These types of .cpf files are "ID-encrypted", this means they only work on a specific keyboard (namely the one for whose instrument info file (.n27) the Pack was originally purchased). In addition, when installing such Packs, the Yamaha MusicSoft log-in data is queried by the YEM and compared online.

If you used to buy the Entertainer Pack or other packs from Yamaha MusicSoft, this account should still exist. Do you still have this old login information? The email address used would be important. You can enter this in the NEW Yamaha Shop and have a new password sent to you. Then you log in to your "old" account and if you are lucky, your previously purchased packs will be displayed under "My Library" and you can download them again for free. If you can't find you previously purchased Packs when you are logged into your old account, you have to contact Yamaha.

If the YEM asks for log-in data, this log-in data (email and password) must also be entered for YOUR Yamaha account. There must also be an internet connection because, as mentioned, the YEM compares the data online.

If all of this is too much effort for you, I would simply wait a while for Yamaha to correct the current bug in the Entertainer Pack 2016 in the new online shop. At the moment there is only the "old" Entertainer Pack (only 10 styles included), and only for Tyros5. The "Entertainer Pack 2016" (which contains many more styles) is unfortunately not available in the shop for either Tyros5 or Genos.

In this context, it would certainly not hurt if someone again "kindly" advised Yamaha to finally upload the RIGHT files for "Entertainer Pack 2016" and "Euro Dance" (both for Tyros5 and Genos). ;)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)