Grabacion rapida midi modifica el estilo

Started by fernandopozo, Aug 16, 2020, 09:07 AM

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Hola tengo un problema con mi psr sx900 al grabar una secuencia midi de forma rápida. Solo me ocurre con el estilo 60sOrgamBallad de momento. En mi primer intento de grabacion, todo es correcto, pero si intento grabar una segunda vez al reproducir el estilo se sube de volumen el acompañamiento chord1 de guitarra.¿A alguien le pasa esto con algún estilo?


Translated: Hi I have a problem with my psr sx900 when recording a midi sequence quickly. Only happens to me with the 60sOrganBallad style at the moment. In my first recording attempt, everything is correct, but if I try to record a second time when playing the style, the chord1 guitar accompaniment is turned up in volume. Does this happen to anyone with a style?

I have not run into this problem, and not sure why this would occur. Does the recording play back correctly?
Larry   PSR-SX900
 My You Tube Recordings


Si, a primera grabación es correcta, y la segunda ya sale alterada.


Hi Fernando,

I recommend always to begin with an empty (initialized) Song (so that "New Song" is shown in the display) when doing a MIDI QUICK Recording.

After you have created a MIDI Quick Recording and saved it as a MIDI file, you can of course record additional tracks (channels), or, if desired, record existing tracks again, via MIDI MULTI Recording.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)