Having difficulty installing Magic Dance Expansion Pack on Genos

Started by Tonyo1000, Jul 15, 2020, 07:28 AM

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Have followed the procedure to add Magic Dance Pack to YEM.  Then followed procedure to "Save as pack install file" ppi to flash drive. 
THEN during Expansion install process on Genos (from flash drive), am getting "failed to access data" error.   
Using Expansion Manager 2.6
Genos Firmware  Ver 2.02
Yes: Genos is the Install target on YEM. 
Yes:  Have saved as Pack Install File ppi on YEM. 
Yes: have tried brand new empty flash drive.   
Any ideas? 
Tony O.
Singer, Keyboard Player, One Man Band
Yamaha Genos
Bose L1 Pro 16's


Must the packinstall not be "CQI" or "CPI" instead of "PPI" ?
"CQI" = quick install (incremental)
"CPI" = install with formatting expansion in Genos.
I always use "CPI".
Had problem that installpack was not seen by Genos (via USB-stick)
had to shorten the name of installpack, then problem was solved.
Best Regards
Eddy Vanzee


At what point does the message come up.

I take it you can "find" the file and select it on Genos, does it get so far then fail or fail right away?

I also always only use CPI. I know that CQI works for some people but when I tried it, firstly the file wasn't much smaller anyway and secondly it just hung half way through. So try that too?


I take it that the pack is for Genos and will be  CPF file usually


EasySound packs come as a .ppi and .ppf file.

If this is the only pack to be used on Genos, you may just copy the .ppi file to the flash drive and install it on Genos.

If you have more than one .ppf pack (but NO .cpf packs ) to install, use YEM to load these packs and create a .ppi install file (which is what Tony has done). You may also create a .cpi file, and you may want to check if that makes a difference (I don't know as I always use WLAN to send my packs to Genos). I would not go for quick installation files (.pqi, .cqi) until the current problem is solved and normal installation files do work.

So far Tony's workflow appears to be correct. Difficult one... Do you have already some .cpf packs installed on Genos?

Just to rule this out: have you tried to format your USB flash drive at the Genos? Use Menu2 / Utility / Storage to do so.

Regards, Michael


I would try re-installing the pack into YEM again (after first deleting the pack), if that does not work, I would try downloading the pack again from the Yamaha Site or directly from EasySounds.

It is not impossible for packs to get corrupted eother during a download or when Unzipping.




Yes I was forgetting that third party packs only come as PPF files.


S U C C E S S !   
All of your comments were extremely helpful and educational, thank you for the contributions!
Per Dromeus, I created a .cpi file in YEM and transferred it to the Genos via WLAN.  Pack loaded correctly. 
Tony O.
Singer, Keyboard Player, One Man Band
Yamaha Genos
Bose L1 Pro 16's