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Styles in Internal.memory SX900

Started by DCKeyboard, Jul 07, 2020, 02:55 AM

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Alright so I've already figured out the DGX230 keyboard I own can only hold 5 styles in Internal memory from pc to keyboard via USB. Has anyone figured out or knows how many styles an SX900 can hold in the internal memory?


Well .. you have 4GB internal memory. Styles are typically 50-100KB.

So the answer is 40,000 - 80,000.

You also have the option to use an external USB stick. No need to load into internal memory - use it right from the stick.

A 16GB stick will store 160,000 - 320, 000 styles.

That ought to be enough.


The minute I read that reply. My jaw literally dropped. Oh yea SX900 is what I'm gonna get, that's pretty much what I need.