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About Yamaha sx700 ram upgrade

Started by islam01, Aug 23, 2020, 06:44 AM

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Hello, do you think Yamaha will upgrade the sx700 ram with a new update in the future?

Fred Smith

Quote from: islam01 on Aug 23, 2020, 06:44 AM
Hello, do you think Yamaha will upgrade the sx700 ram with a new update in the future?

They will issue an update to the OS, just like they've done with the Genos. But the amount of RAM won't change.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


A question em curious about is that are we getting sx700/900 2.0 version like Genos
Caz there are lots of improvements which can be done in os
Kindly reply if anyone of you have any info about that


I can't see Flash memory being extended but may be there will be a pack for it latter on. No one knows must just wait and see.

Lucille Chung

My dealer told me that there were RAM extensions offered once for some older models, but they were expensive and nobody bought them, so they were discontinued.


Keep dreaming, and you will never face reality.

The truth is that yes, Yamaha did release an update that included more ram (which was actually a process of "unlocking" part of the physical ram that was already available on the keyboard for other uses, such as audiostyles) and other system improvements.
But, (yes, there is a but) the Yamaha Genos is the current flagship keyboard.
As far as we know, it's the only arranger keyboard Yamaha has done that to, and that's no guarantee that it will continue to do so with other mid-range keyboards.
I'm sorry but your question doesn't make sense, and no, there is no information on that.
Instead of speculating on that, you better take advantage of your time enjoying your keyboard AS IS.
Wait for more updates to fix bugs, but to wait for more ram etc I think it's completely illogical.
Genos 2, Korg PA5X, Ketron EventX, Nord PedalKeys27


Very relative answer dear
I'm curious to know that too...are they upgrading ram or not may be they got some plan to reveal in the future if u notice that once we install the expansion packs and we reach the limit of our expansion memory we still have an option to to restore the original packs which were 4 and we recieved with the keyboard it means that they are still saved somewhere in the keyboard may be a hidden memory and may be they will reveal that memory somewhere in future with major os upgrade
Its just my thoughts
Plz state ur opinion too

Joe H

The only RAM upgrade to the sx700 is the sx900.

Joe H
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