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PSR A3000 - Sound edit

Started by HamzaA3000, Jul 01, 2020, 08:47 PM

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I have a sound in expansion pack that it becomes Vibrato when touch setting is set and I press the key harder to sound the vibrato.

I want to change that to be from the Modulation using Y+ of the joystick.

Any idea how to change that?

There is an existing sound in factory voice that becomes vibrato in Modulation Y+ and I tried to replicate the exact settings in Voice Set but no luck.

By the way for those who donnot know, the PSR A3000 is similar to S970 but with oriental voices/styles and external scale tune section.


I think what are you looking for is described on pages 114 and 115 of you A3000 manual.


Thanks Filoaman.

I read those pages in the manual but the issue is that the sound becomes tremolo or vibrato after pressing the key in "Touch" mode so I believe the voice has an aftertouch setting but I want this effect to be done using the Y+ joystick.

I am not sure if editing the touch effect is not possible through the PSR A3000 and requires a synth to edit it.

My question is it possible to edit the effects after touching the key.


Read the manual carefully - Page 115
5 -> PMOD = Determines the degree to which the joystick modulates the pitch, or the vibrato effect

It's not only about after touch, you can also modify the Pitch Modulation (aka PMAD -> aka "Vibrato") on this page! (CONTROLLER Page)

Ypu don;'t need extra equipment, software or anything else!
Just read the manual and experiment.