PSR SX700 not recognizing certain mp3 files?

Started by ys281, Jul 04, 2020, 05:38 PM

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Hi All
I copied some files to my thumb drive to play as I learn the songs. One song didn't even show up on the screen, and the other gave me issues even before I selected it. Just scrolling to it popped up the message, "unrecognized data format" or something like that.
Anyone have any experience with these issues?


Hi ys281, check the file name, usually when it is too long, the keyboard doesn't recognize it. if so, change the long name  for a
more short one.
I hope this helps. Hans
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"

Fred Smith

Here are the formats acceptable to Yamaha keyboards

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Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Did you try the MP3 file on your smartphone or computer? Long file names could indeed be a problem but in this case I think the SX700 does not show the file at all (I had this issue once with an expansion pack and it was not shown in the list so I had to give it a shorter name on my computer first). You could also try to reduce the header of the mp3 file with a program like MP3tag for instance: sometimes the albumart included in the mp3 file can cause problems because it is too big: I had this problem some time ago with an MP3 player and removing the albumart solved it.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


WOW you guys were an AMAZing help!  :)
Yes, Johan and Hans, the filename was too long so it didn't show up. I guess it wasn't the album art. ;D
The other file was a live recording at a sample rate of 8kHz, so I opened it in Audacity, resampled it at 44.1 kHz and exported it as per the specs in the link Fred posted.
Both were displayed and played on the Yamaha as regular.

Thanks for all the help!