How to optimize the touch screen for fastest switching capabilities

Started by shneurslonim, Jun 01, 2020, 06:43 PM

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the more i play with my sx900 i see how in real time and playing live switching styles and voices and switching through folders and files and pages will have to be done well in advance

does anyone have any tips on How to optimize the touch screen for fastest switching capabilities?

i was thinking to contact yamaha and ask them to add in the next firmware to link an iPad to the keyboard through bluetooth to mirror the screen and control it from the iPad because the iPad has a lot better and faster touch sensitivity

anyone have any more ideas to help make the screen the fastest as possible?

Fred Smith

Quote from: shneurslonim on Jun 01, 2020, 06:43 PM

the more i play with my sx900 i see how in real time and playing live switching styles and voices and switching through folders and files and pages will have to be done well in advance

does anyone have any tips on How to optimize the touch screen for fastest switching capabilities?

i was thinking to contact yamaha and ask them to add in the next firmware to link an iPad to the keyboard through bluetooth to mirror the screen and control it from the iPad because the iPad has a lot better and faster touch sensitivity

anyone have any more ideas to help make the screen the fastest as possible?

I have all my songs as registrations, with the file name the name of the song. Once I've loaded the registration, I don't have to switch anything. And songs are in alphabetical order, so they're easy to find.

Hope this helps,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


hey thanks fred
although i use different styles and voices each time around
witch would involve switching screens rapidly


On my Genos, I disabled the 'Animation' in the Settings, so when I swtich from one screen to the other it 'feel' more responsive...

Otherwise, you'll have to use one or more pedals and  use the 'Registration Sequence' function to quickly change registration banks and/or slot...


I really only use the touch screen between playing myself ( for setting up ) and tend to use the manual controls on the fly whilst playing.



Hello. I have no idea why you need to prod the touch screen when playing live. If you are changing styles or voices "on the fly" then you are missing out the reason for the Keyboard. Set up your registrations first then get on with it. Read this through.

Now, the mathematics of the keyboards, (Tyros and PSR's) according to Denn.
You have 8 registration buttons and 4 OTS buttons, OK?
You have voices R1, R2 & R3.
You have a freeze button.
You select a style, eg. Vocal waltz. (Can be any style) Press Freeze.
Let's start with the OTS, You can have R1 alone, R2 alone and R3 alone. On OTS button 1.
Continue, R1+R2, R1+R3 and R2+R3 then R1+R2+R3.
You now have 7 variations on just ONE OTS button.

Similar on the other 3 buttons and now you have 4 * 7 = 28 variations for one style.
Now come down to the registration buttons, 1 to 8. The same sequence applies; 8 * 7 = 56. So for your Vocal Waltz you have a possibility of 84 variations, ensuring the freeze button is on.
So, to add excitement to the pot there are quite a few waltz styles that you can set (register) the same tempo. Put these waltz styles onto buttons 2 to 8 and you are climbing into 672 variations just for the waltz at 90 BPM! WOW!!!
Save this bank, you have done a lot of work to get this far.
Next reg bank can have the same treatment using a foxtrot style.
Up to now you have only TWO banks, one as waltzes and one as foxtrots.
My 250 Gb hard drive will accommodate a lot more banks than that.
Just to be pedantic, you can name the songs in the registration block
(Button J)
Then there are the two buttons that will step you up or down to the next registration bank.
Now just to make your itchy fingers sticky, you can vary the volume of any of the voices on the fly using the sliders. Lucky they are in a position where you can see what is happening and not stuck somewhere on the side as an afterthought.
Having digested that lot then you can get stuck into the DSP and Variations; but that will take weeks of work to wander through that lot.
Having set the keyboard as you want it then there is very little reason to hit the screen at all.
Regards, Den.
Love knitting dolls